I am new to SO and postgres so please excuse my ignorance. Attempting to get the cluster for a graph in postgres using a solution similar to the one in this post Find cluster given node in PostgreSQL
the only difference is my id is a UUID and I am using varchar(255) to store this id
when i try to run the query I get the following error (but not sure how to cast):
ERROR: recursive query "search_graph" column 1 has type character varying(255)[] in non-recursive term but type character varying[] overall
SQL state: 42804 Hint: Cast the output of the non-recursive term to the correct type. Character: 81
my code (basically same as previous post):
WITH RECURSIVE search_graph(path, last_profile1, last_profile2) AS (
SELECT ARRAY[id], id, id
FROM node WHERE id = '408d6b12-d03e-42c2-a2a7-066b3c060a0b'
SELECT sg.path || m.toid || m.fromid, m.fromid, m.toid
FROM search_graph sg
JOIN rel m
ON (m.fromid = sg.last_profile2 AND NOT sg.path @> ARRAY[m.toid])
OR (m.toid = sg.last_profile1 AND NOT sg.path @> ARRAY[m.fromid])
SELECT DISTINCT unnest(path) FROM search_graph;