It appears that my interval
is never triggered.
I have a directive which contains a $interval
and I want to test it. I've removed all the directive-related code and added this piece instead in its controller:
window.called = 0;
window.interval = $interval(function () {
console.log('interval ' + window.called); // 4
}, 10);
console.log('initialized'); // 1
The test looks like this:
describe('myDirective', function () {
beforeEach(function($compile, $rootScope) {
/* ... compile element in its own scope ... */
it('should run the interval', function () {
console.log(window.interval); // 2
waitsFor(function () {
console.log('tick'); // 3
return false;
}, 1000);
This is a dumb test. The waitsFor
method actually returns false all the time, for debugging purposes. But this is all I see in the console:
initialized // 1
Object: {then: ..} // 2
tick // 3
tick // 3
tick // 3
tick // 3
and eventually the test failure. I never see a single interval
in the logs. Is there something wrong with my code in general or is there something particular to Jasmine/PhantomJS that I'm missing?