Video Editor in Flutter using dart [closed]

2020-07-03 06:54发布


I am looking for a plugin or example of a video editor in flutter using dart.

I have tried the following plugin, but it doesn't seems to have properties that I can edit the video. Example trim or add a watermark on the video.

Many Thanks


  • Comments mentioned, though I couldn’t find anything that explicitly documents a way to edit the video, such as a watermark. But it should be possible according to others
  • There’s also

    Adding still frames to an existing video, e.g. watermarks

    .generateVideo(List<String> paths, String filename, int fps, double speed).

    Parameters paths list of input file paths. Can be images (.jpg or .png) or video files (.mp4) that are used to generate the new video. E.g.: ["documents/input.mp4", "documents/watermark.jpg]

Otherwise, there’s currently not much in readily available packages for video editing for Flutter as I couldn't find anymore at For more options, you’ll have to seek out native Android/iOS libraries and custom integrate them through the platform channels.


You can use this Flutter package called video_trimmer. This package is developed by me, it helps in trimming videos in most of the commonly used formats. You can also generate GIFs from the videos.

This also provides a nice UI for trimming videos.

The package is currently in beta stage. So, feel free to make a PR on the GitHub repo of this package, if you have any suggestions for improvement.

Currently, it doesn't have the feature to add a watermark to any video.