Let's have a dataframe with long strings in one column:
How could I print the dataframe without showing the entire string?
Something like this:
short long
1 0.2492880 ghtaprfv...
2 1.0168434 zrbjxvci...
3 0.2460422 yaghkdul...
4 0.1741522 zuabgxpt...
5 -1.1344230 mzhjtwcr...
6 -0.7104683 fcbhuegt...
7 0.2749227 aqyezhbl...
8 -0.4395554 azecsbnk...
9 2.2837716 lkgwzedf...
10 0.7695538 omiewuyn...
You can redefine the print.data.frame
method, and in this function use substr
to trim your character vectors to the desired maximum length:
print.data.frame <- function (x, ..., maxchar=20, digits = NULL, quote = FALSE,
right = TRUE, row.names = TRUE)
x <- as.data.frame(
lapply(x, function(xx)
if(is.character(xx)) substr(xx, 1, maxchar) else xx)
base::print.data.frame(x, ..., digits=digits, quote=quote, right=right,
Create data. Note my addition of stringsAsFactors=FALSE
df <- data.frame(
Print data.frame
print(df, maxchar=10)
short long
1 -0.6188273 cpfhnjmeiw
2 -0.0570548 bwcmpinedr
3 -0.5795637 dcevnyihlj
4 0.1977156 qzxlhvnarm
5 -1.9551196 aiflwtkjdq
6 -1.2429173 vlscerwhgq
7 -0.5897045 fziogkpsyr
8 0.4946985 pdeswloxcn
9 0.3262543 kxlofchszd
10 -1.8059621 wncaedpzty
This is one way:
within(df, {
long = paste(substr(long, 1, 10), "...", sep = "")
I use substr to get the first part of the string, than I use paste for the "...". To permanently change the characters in df, simply do:
df = within(df, {
long = paste(substr(long, 1, 10), "...", sep = "")
Uses dplyr and prints out a modified version of the original data frame (without changing it). Only shortens values which exceed specified length:
print.data.frame(df %>% mutate(long = ifelse(
nchar(long > 11),
paste0(substr(long, 1, 8), "..."),