I'm using the very interesting javascript library intro.js.
However, in my application, the highligted area becomes almost completely white.
I'm guessing that this is some CSS conflict, but what can I do to determine the cause of this problem?
I'm using the very interesting javascript library intro.js.
However, in my application, the highligted area becomes almost completely white.
I'm guessing that this is some CSS conflict, but what can I do to determine the cause of this problem?
Extracted from issue #109 (https://github.com/usablica/intro.js/issues/109):
.introjs-helperLayer {
background: transparent;
.introjs-overlay {
opacity: 0 !important;
.introjs-helperLayer:before {
opacity: 0;
content: '';
position: fixed;
width: inherit;
height: inherit;
border-radius: 0.5em;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1000em rgba(0,0,0, .7);
opacity: 1;
.introjs-helperLayer:after {
content: '';
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
position: fixed;
z-index: 1000;
This will solve your problem. Hope it helps as it did for me! Shout to @weili1977 and @exoJSON who provided the answer in GitHub.
The problem can be fixed by setting absolute position for parent element:
.introjs-fixParent {
position: absolute !important;
This is common for users using table row element. I solve mine by adding these lines to css.
.introjs-relativePosition > td { position: relative; }
.introjs-showElement > td { z-index: 9999999 !important; }
I set the target element position to absolute (in corresponding CSS) and it works now! see here - http://prntscr.com/1dl0db
I didn't see any jsFiddle or any online example of your problem but I try to answer your question in this way:
and data-step
in another element, for example if now
you have the data-intro
and data-step
in the form
change it to an upper element or a div
.In the Introjs.css, setting the z-index to 1 for the introjs-helperlayer class fixes this issue. However, I do not know the full implication of this change.
Are you trying to highlight a Table Row ()? If so I experienced this problem too. Someone posted a fix in the github issues section: https://github.com/usablica/intro.js/issues/146
I managed to get a useable result with this:
.introjs-helperLayer {
mix-blend-mode: overlay !important;