
How to get Heroku to recognize a yarn.lock or pack

2020-07-02 15:44发布


I have a Rails application using React, Webpack, and Yarn for the client side. I have everything relating to the client side within the /client directory. This includes my yarn.lock and package.json files. I have a Procfile that cds into /client and properly runs yarn run build. This works locally with no errors. However, when I deploy/push to Heroku, my push is rejected and I get the following error:

remote:        cd client && yarn run build:production
remote:        sh: 1: yarn: not found
remote:        rake aborted!
remote:        Command failed with status (127): [cd client && yarn run build:production...]

What this says to me is that Heroku wasn't able to find a yarn.lock file in the root level. How do I get Heroku to use the yarn.lock file within my /client directory?

Or is the cause of this error something else entirely?


Just been through a similar thing myself. You need to order the buildpacks so that node is first. If a yarn.lock is in your root dir (or yarn is in your "engines" key as in @remydib's answer), then the node buildpack will install yarn and then your packages. If you have a yarn.lock in /client, put one in root, and add a postinstall script to it that says cd client && yarn run build.

In my case (rake assets:precompile calls yarn and fails), for some reason when the buildpacks go ruby -> node, Heroku doesn't wait for node to install before trying to run rake tasks, and we go kablooie.

Hope this helps.


Make sure to use both ruby and node buildpacks. I got this error when I didn't.

Execute these in your root folder:

heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs

Sources: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/using-multiple-buildpacks-for-an-app



  1. To use yarn to install your application's dependences

    a) yarn.lock should be present in root of the repo. yarn install b) package-lock.json should be removed git rm package-lock.json

  2. To use npm

    a) yarn.lock should be removed

Source: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#installed-binaries



maybe your can try typing in package.json

  "engines": {
    "node": "^6.9",
    "yarn": "^0.21"


I'll add an answer for document another possible use-case. I experienced something similar, multiple buildpacks and I had checked everything in all answers:

  • node-js was declared first in .buildpacks file
  • a yarn.lock was added in the root of the project
  • yarn dependency declared under engines on package.json

Nevertheless yarn was not picking up since I was using an older version of node-js buildpack.

Bumping the version of the buildpack the latest solve my problem:



You can keep both package.json and yarn.lock by adding one of these to .slugignore.

It works like .gitignore - it just defines which files to ignore pushing to Heroku.

Check more information here