I am using below command to join two files using first two columns.
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]=substr($0,3);next} ($1,$2) in a{print $0, a[$1,$2] > "br0102_3.txt"}' br01.txt br02.txt
Now, by default AWk command uses whitespaces as the separators. But my file may contain single space between two words, e.g.
File 1:
ABCD TEXT1 TEXT2 123123112312312312312312312312312312
BCDEFG TEXT3TEXT4 133123123123123123123123123125423423
QWERT TEXT5TEXT6 123123123123125456678786789698758567
File 2:
ABCD TEXT1 TEXT2 12312312312312312312312312312
BCDEFG TEXT3TEXT4 31242342342342342342342342343
MNHT TEXT8 TEXT9 31242342342342342342342342343
I want the result file as ;
ABCD TEXT1 TEXT2 123123112312312312312312312312312312 12312312312312312312312312312
BCDEFG TEXT3TEXT4 133123123123123123123123123125423423 31242342342342342342342342343
QWERT TEXT5TEXT6 123123123123125456678786789698758567
MNHT TEXT8 TEXT9 31242342342342342342342342343
Any hints ?