APK size is bigger than expected - android studio

2020-07-02 09:57发布


My project content size like this,

  1. Main Project (Source & asset size 513KB)
  2. Module 1 (Source & asset size 135KB)
  3. Module 2 (Source & asset size 80KB)

And the apk (signed, debug both) size is 4.87MB. Also tried ProGuard nothing changed.

I do not understand the reason of this. Even I have not added any jar file to my project.


There are 2 build variants, for Debug and for Release. Default build option is for Debug which makes size big.

Check this answer : How to use the ProGuard in Android Studio?


Clear the project and build again. Check raw, asset folder.

Give a look at this http://developer.android.com/tools/building/index.html .


In case of a large png files existed try to enable the AAPT and use the next:

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            crunchPngs true // or false