
Make an arbitrary class in Scala as a monad instan

2020-07-02 09:37发布


In order to make anything operable in monad context, if using Haskell - I just add implementation of class Monad for given type anywhere. So I don't touch a source of the data type definition at all. Like (something artificial)

data Z a = MyZLeft a | MyZRight a

swap (MyZLeft x) = MyZRight x
swap (MyZRight x) = MyZLeft x

instance Monad Z where
  return a = MyZRight a
  (>>=) x f = case x of
                MyZLeft s -> swap (f s)
                MyZRight s -> swap (f s)

so I'm not touching definition of Z, but make it as a monad

How do I do this in Scala? It seems that there's no way besides of mixing some traits in and defining methods map/flatMap/filter/withFilter ?


Take a look at scalaz:

// You could use implementation in the end of this answer instead of this import
import scalaz._, Scalaz._

sealed trait Z[T]
case class MyZLeft[T](t: T) extends Z[T]
case class MyZRight[T](t: T) extends Z[T]

def swap[T](z: Z[T]) = z match {
  case MyZLeft(t) => MyZRight(t)
  case MyZRight(t) => MyZLeft(t)

implicit object ZIsMonad extends Monad[Z] {
  def point[A](a: => A): Z[A] = MyZRight(a)
  def bind[A, B](fa: Z[A])(f: A => Z[B]): Z[B] = fa match {
    case MyZLeft(t) => swap(f(t))
    case MyZRight(t) => swap(f(t))


val z = 1.point[Z]
// Z[Int] = MyZRight(1)

z map { _ + 2 }
// Z[Int] = MyZLeft(3)

z >>= { i => MyZLeft(i + "abc") }
// Z[String] = MyZRight(1abc)

z >>= { i => (i + "abc").point[Z] }
// Z[String] = MyZLeft(1abc)

for-comprehensions (similar to do-notation):

for {
  i <- z
  j <- (i + 1).point[Z]
  k = i + j
} yield i * j * k
// Z[Int] = MyZRight(6)

See also Scalaz cheatsheet and Learning scalaz.

There is no magic in scalaz - you could implement this without scalaz.

Related: Typeclases in Scala & Haskell.

Simplest implementation of Monad with syntax in case you don't want to use scalaz:

import scala.language.higherKinds

trait Monad[M[_]] {
  def point[A](a: => A): M[A]
  def bind[A, B](fa: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]

implicit class MonadPointer[A](a: A) {
  def point[M[_]: Monad] = implicitly[Monad[M]].point(a)

implicit class MonadWrapper[M[_]: Monad, A](t: M[A]) {
  private def m = implicitly[Monad[M]]
  def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] = m.bind(t)(f)
  def >>=[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] = flatMap(f)
  def map[B](f: A => B): M[B] = m.bind(t)(a => m.point(f(a)))
  def flatten[B](implicit f: A => M[B]) = m.bind(t)(f)


To be a monad, a scala class isn't required to extend a particular class or mixin a particular trait. It merely needs to

  • be a type-parameterized class (SomeClass[T])
  • implement the "unit" method (may actually use any method name, but often named to match the className of the monad - c.f. List(x) and Try(doSomething()) )
  • implement the flatMap method (a.k.a. "bind"):

    Object SomeClass[T] {
        def SomeClass(t: T): SomeClass[T] = ...
    class SomeClass[T] {
        def flatMap[U](T => SomeClass[U]): SomeClass[U] = ...

This is definition via structural typing / duck typing as opposed to definition via type extension.

Additionally, to technically qualify as a Monad, implementation must satisfy the three monad laws (where m is of type SomeClass[T] and unit = SomeClass[T](t) for some t: T).

  1. Monad Identity Law: binding monad with unit leaves it unchanged

      m flatMap unit = m flatMap SomeClass(_) = m
  2. Monad Unit Law: binding unit with arbitrary function, is the same as applying that function to the unit's value

      unit flatMap f = SomeClass(t) flatMap f = f(t)           (where f: T => Any)
  3. Monad Composition Law: bind is associative

      (m flatMap f(_)) flatMap g(_) = m flatMap (t => f(t) flatMap(u => g(u))  
      (where f: T => SomeClass[U] and g: U => SomeClass[V] for some U and V)

Reference: http://james-iry.blogspot.com.au/2007/10/monads-are-elephants-part-3.html


If you're looking for a shortcut to implementation, you can define a common ancestor which provides a standard definition of flatMap:

trait Monad[T] {
  def map[U](f: T => U): Monad[U]
  def flatten: Monad[T]
  def flatMap[V](g: T => Monad[V]): Monad[V] = map(g) flatten

But you then must define concrete implementations for map & flatten. These are the result of design - there are literally infinite possibilities that meet these signatures (i.e. can't be automatically found within the ether & aren't defined via the laws of physics ;) )


Note even getting into the specifics of code implementation in Scala or Haskell, I want to note that one thing is having a class for which you know a way to add unit and multiplication, and another is when there's a general case.

In general case the only solution I know is to throw in free monad F |-> 1+F(1+F(1+F(...))). Which may as well not exist at all.

Otherwise, you have to prove that whatever you introduce as unit an multiplication satisfy monad laws (see the the response by GlenBest.

标签: scala monads