I need to send next json via retrofit 2:
"Inspection": {
"UUID": "name",
"ModifiedTime": "2016-03-09T01:13",
"CreatedTime": "2016-03-09T01:13",
"ReviewedWith": "name2",
"Type": 1,
"Project": {
"Id": 41
"ActionTypes": [1]
With Header: Authorization: access_token_value
I tried this:
//header parameter
String accessToken = Requests.getAccessToken();
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
JsonObject inspection = new JsonObject();
JsonObject project = new JsonObject();
project.addProperty("Id", 41);
inspection.add("Project", project);
obj.add("Inspection", inspection);
Retrofit restAdapter = new Retrofit.Builder()
IConstructSecureAPI service = restAdapter.create(IConstructSecureAPI.class);
Call<JsonElement> result = service.addInspection(accessToken, obj);
JsonElement element = result.execute().body();
But everytime i recieved exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create @Body converter for class com.google.gson.JsonObject (parameter #2)
How can I send it ? Or any another idea how I can do it. You can even offer me with parameter as simple String
with json inside. It will suit for me