Does anyone know how to split a string in Golang by length?
For example to split "helloworld" after every 3 characters, so it should ideally return an array of "hel" "low" "orl" "d"?
Alternatively a possible solution would be to also append a newline after every 3 characters..
All ideas are greatly appreciated!
Make sure to convert your string into a slice of rune: see "Slice string into letters".
automatically converts string
to rune
so there is no additional code needed in this case to convert the string
to rune
for i, r := range s {
fmt.Printf("i%d r %c\n", i, r)
// every 3 i, do something
will work best with a being a slice of rune.
The index will increase by one every rune, while it might increase by more than one for every byte in a slice of string: "世界": i
would be 0 and 3: a character (rune) can be formed of multiple bytes.
For instance, consider s := "世a界世bcd界efg世"
: 12 runes. (see
If you try to parse it byte by byte, you will miss (in a naive split every 3 chars implementation) some of the "index modulo 3" (equals to 2, 5, 8 and 11), because the index will increase past those values:
for i, r := range s {
res = res + string(r)
fmt.Printf("i %d r %c\n", i, r)
if i > 0 && (i+1)%3 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("=>(%d) '%v'\n", i, res)
res = ""
The output:
i 0 r 世
i 3 r a <== miss i==2
i 4 r 界
i 7 r 世 <== miss i==5
i 10 r b <== miss i==8
i 11 r c ===============> would print '世a界世bc', not exactly '3 chars'!
i 12 r d
i 13 r 界
i 16 r e <== miss i==14
i 17 r f ===============> would print 'd界ef'
i 18 r g
i 19 r 世 <== miss the rest of the string
But if you were to iterate on runes (a := []rune(s)
), you would get what you expect, as the index would increase one rune at a time, making it easy to aggregate exactly 3 characters:
for i, r := range a {
res = res + string(r)
fmt.Printf("i%d r %c\n", i, r)
if i > 0 && (i+1)%3 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("=>(%d) '%v'\n", i, res)
res = ""
i 0 r 世
i 1 r a
i 2 r 界 ===============> would print '世a界'
i 3 r 世
i 4 r b
i 5 r c ===============> would print '世bc'
i 6 r d
i 7 r 界
i 8 r e ===============> would print 'd界e'
i 9 r f
i10 r g
i11 r 世 ===============> would print 'fg世'
Also needed a function to do this recently, see example usage here
func SplitSubN(s string, n int) []string {
sub := ""
subs := []string{}
runes := bytes.Runes([]byte(s))
l := len(runes)
for i, r := range runes {
sub = sub + string(r)
if (i + 1) % n == 0 {
subs = append(subs, sub)
sub = ""
} else if (i + 1) == l {
subs = append(subs, sub)
return subs
Here is another example (you can try it here):
package main
import (
func ChunkString(s string, chunkSize int) []string {
var chunks []string
runes := []rune(s)
if len(runes) == 0 {
return []string{s}
for i := 0; i < len(runes); i += chunkSize {
nn := i + chunkSize
if nn > len(runes) {
nn = len(runes)
chunks = append(chunks, string(runes[i:nn]))
return chunks
func main() {
fmt.Println(ChunkString("helloworld", 3))
fmt.Println(strings.Join(ChunkString("helloworld", 3), "\n"))
I tried 3 version to implement the function, the function named "splitByWidthMake" is fastest.
These functions ignore the unicode but only the ascii code.
package main
import (
func splitByWidthMake(str string, size int) []string {
strLength := len(str)
splitedLength := int(math.Ceil(float64(strLength) / float64(size)))
splited := make([]string, splitedLength)
var start, stop int
for i := 0; i < splitedLength; i += 1 {
start = i * size
stop = start + size
if stop > strLength {
stop = strLength
splited[i] = str[start : stop]
return splited
func splitByWidth(str string, size int) []string {
strLength := len(str)
var splited []string
var stop int
for i := 0; i < strLength; i += size {
stop = i + size
if stop > strLength {
stop = strLength
splited = append(splited, str[i:stop])
return splited
func splitRecursive(str string, size int) []string {
if len(str) <= size {
return []string{str}
return append([]string{string(str[0:size])}, splitRecursive(str[size:], size)...)
func main() {
testStrings := []string{
"hello world",
testStrings := make([]string, 10)
for i := range testStrings {
testStrings[i] = strings.Repeat("#", int(math.Pow(2, float64(i))))
t1 := time.Now()
for i := range testStrings {
_ = splitByWidthMake(testStrings[i], 2)
elapsed := time.Since(t1)
fmt.Println("for loop version elapsed: ", elapsed)
t1 = time.Now()
for i := range testStrings {
_ = splitByWidth(testStrings[i], 2)
elapsed = time.Since(t1)
fmt.Println("for loop without make version elapsed: ", elapsed)
t1 = time.Now()
for i := range testStrings {
_ = splitRecursive(testStrings[i], 2)
elapsed = time.Since(t1)
fmt.Println("recursive version elapsed: ", elapsed)
Here is another variant playground.
It is by far more efficient in terms of both speed and memory than other answers. If you want to run benchmarks here they are benchmarks.
func Chunks(s string, chunkSize int) []string {
if chunkSize >= len(s) {
return []string{s}
var chunks []string
chunk := make([]rune, chunkSize)
len := 0
for _, r := range s {
chunk[len] = r
if len == chunkSize {
chunks = append(chunks, string(chunk))
len = 0
if len > 0 {
chunks = append(chunks, string(chunk[:len]))
return chunks
An easy solution using regex
re := regexp.MustCompile((\S{3})
x := re.FindAllStringSubmatch("HelloWorld", -1)