Why does Array#each return an array with the same

2020-07-02 06:16发布


I'm learning the details of how each works in ruby, and I tried out the following line of code:

p [1,2,3,4,5].each { |element| el }

And the result is an array of


But I don't think I fully understand why. Why is the return value of each the same array? Doesn't each just provide a method for iterating? Or is it just common practice for the each method to return the original value?


Array#each returns the [array] object it was invoked upon: the result of the block is discarded. Thus if there are no icky side-effects to the original array then nothing will have changed.

Perhaps you mean to use map?

p [1,2,3,4,5].map { |i| i*i }



The block form of Array#each returns the original Array object. You generally use #each when you want to do something with each element of an array inside the block. For example:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].each { |element| puts element }

This will print out each element, but returns the original array. You can verify this with:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
array.each { |element| element }.object_id === array.object_id
=> true


If you want to return a new array, you want to use Array#map or one of its synonyms. The block form of #map returns a different Array object. For example:

=> 25659920
array.map { |element| element }.object_id
=> 20546920
array.map { |element| element }.object_id === array.object_id
=> false

You will generally want to use #map when you want to operate on a modified version of the original array, while leaving the original unchanged.


All methods return something. Even if it's just a nil object, it returns something.

It may as well return the original object rather than return nil.


If you want, for some reason, to suppress the output (for example debugging in console) here is how you can achive that

  [1,2,3,4,5].each do |nr|
    puts nr.inspect