How does a developer do the equivalent of this in managed c++? :
c# code
public String SomeValue
I've scoured the net and found some solutions, however it is hard to distinguish which is the correct (latest, .NET 3.5) way, given the colourful history of getters/setters and managed c++.
Managed C++ does not support automatic properties. You should manually declare a backing field and the accessors:
private: String* _internalSomeValue;
__property String* get_SomeValue() { return _internalSomeValue; }
__property void set_SomeValue(String *value) { _internalSomeValue = value; }
C++/CLI supports automatic properties with a very simple syntax:
public: property String^ SomeValue;
Update (reply to comment):
In C++/CLI, you cannot control the accessibility of each accessor method separately when you use the automatic property syntax. You need to define the backing field and the methods yourself:
private: String^ field;
property String^ SomeValue {
public: String^ get() { return field; }
private: void set(String^ value) { field = value; }
In C++/CLI you would do just:
property String^ SomeValue;
Just to give you more search terms, this is called a trivial property