I am experiencing an IPv6 problems with my iOS apps. Initially I submitted a few days before June 1st not knowing about IPv6 requirement (https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=05042016a).
They were reviewed on June 1st and rejected for IPv6 incompatibility/not being able to connect. I didn’t want to set up my own IPv6 network, so I updated the code to be compliant - I updated Reachability provided by Apple to the newest version. I am also using my own downloading library written by a former cofounder several years ago. It doesn’t connect to IP addresses, or anything Apple recommends against, so I didn't decide to upgrade it right now. I am also using an old version of AFNetworking.
I resubmitted an app. Was rejected again for same reason. I went and bought thunderbolt adapter and setup IPv6. Now I connect fine to that app. I can also connect fine to another app which still has very old Reachability code. My main problem is I want it to break in the same way that Apple is breaking, so I can fix it properly.
-I initially tried to post a comment on IPv6 App Store Rejection but it was too long. I am @andytriboletti on Twitter, linked to by Sean in that question.
-I posted this on Apple Developer Forums, but it's still waiting for approval 10 hours later: https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/141461#141461
-Here's how I set up my IPv6 network using thunderbolt ethernet adapter on my Macbook pro. https://developer.apple.com/library/tvos/documentation/NetworkingInternetWeb/Conceptual/NetworkingOverview/UnderstandingandPreparingfortheIPv6Transition/UnderstandingandPreparingfortheIPv6Transition.html
-I am testing with an iPhone 6 running OS 9.3.2. My Macbook Pro that is running the IPv6 network setup as described in Apple’s article linked to me is running 10.11.5.
-I have tested the exact version that Apple tested. I use buddybuild as a build automation tool, and they sent me an email with the version that was uploaded to iTunes connect by them.
-The app makes network requests to https://greenrobot.com (and also incldues advertising and analytics libraries). No hardcoded IP addresses in my code. GreenRobot looks like it is setup for IPv6: https://ip6.nl/#greenrobot.com