I need to convert a string {\"name\":\"test name\", \"age\":25}
to a JSONObject
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the question but it sounds like you are already using org.json which begs the question about why
val answer = JSONObject("""{"name":"test name", "age":25}""")
wouldn't be the best way to do it? What was wrong with the built in functionality of JSONObject?
val rootObject= JSONObject()
rootObject.put("name","test name")
You can use https://github.com/cbeust/klaxon library.
val parser: Parser = Parser()
val stringBuilder: StringBuilder = StringBuilder("{\"name\":\"Cedric Beust\", \"age\":23}")
val json: JsonObject = parser.parse(stringBuilder) as JsonObject
println("Name : ${json.string("name")}, Age : ${json.int("age")}")
Result :
Name : Cedric Beust, Age : 23
The approaches above are a bit dangerous: They don't provide a solution for illegal chars. They don't do the escaping... And we hate to do the escaping ourselves, don't we?
So here's what I did. Not that cute and clean but you have to do it only once.
class JsonBuilder() {
private var json = JSONObject()
constructor(vararg pairs: Pair<String, *>) : this() {
fun add(vararg pairs: Pair<String, *>) {
for ((key, value) in pairs) {
when (value) {
is Boolean -> json.put(key, value)
is Number -> add(key, value)
is String -> json.put(key, value)
is JsonBuilder -> json.put(key, value.json)
is Array<*> -> add(key, value)
is JSONObject -> json.put(key, value)
is JSONArray -> json.put(key, value)
else -> json.put(key, null) // Or whatever, on illegal input
fun add(key: String, value: Number): JsonBuilder {
when (value) {
is Int -> json.put(key, value)
is Long -> json.put(key, value)
is Float -> json.put(key, value)
is Double -> json.put(key, value)
else -> {} // Do what you do on error
return this
fun <T> add(key: String, items: Array<T>): JsonBuilder {
val jsonArray = JSONArray()
items.forEach {
when (it) {
is String,is Long,is Int, is Boolean -> jsonArray.put(it)
is JsonBuilder -> jsonArray.put(it.json)
else -> try {jsonArray.put(it)} catch (ignored:Exception) {/*handle the error*/}
json.put(key, jsonArray)
return this
override fun toString() = json.toString()
Sorry, might have had to cut off types that were unique to my code so I might have broken some stuff - but the idea should be clear
You might be aware that in Kotlin, "to" is an infix method that converts two objects to a Pair. So you use it simply like this:
"name" to "Amy Winehouse",
"age" to 27
But you can do cuter things:
"name" to "Elvis Presley",
"furtherDetails" to JsonBuilder(
"GreatestHits" to arrayOf("Surrender", "Jailhouse rock"),
"Genre" to "Rock",
"Died" to 1977)