std::vector vs std::stack

2020-06-30 06:51发布


What is the difference between std::vector and std::stack?

Obviously vectors can delete items within the collection (albeit much slower than list) whereas the stack is built to be a LIFO-only collection.

However, are stacks faster for end-item manipulation? Is it a linked list or dynamically re-allocated array?

I can't find much information about stacks, but if I'm picturing them correctly (they are similar to an actual thread stack; push, pop, etc. - along with that top() method) then they seem perfect for window-stacking management.


A stack is not a container; it is a container adapter. It has a vector, deque or similar container that it stores as a member that actually holds the elements. Remember: it is declared as:

    class T,
    class Container = std::deque<T>
> class stack;

All stack does is limit the user interface to this internal container. The performance characteristics of the operations are exactly whatever the underlying container's performance characteristics are.