I am trying to find the CHI-SQUARE TEST on the following set of data in the table. I am trying my this Query to find the CHI-SQUARE TEST:
SELECT sessionnumber, sessioncount, timespent,
(dim1.cnt * dim2.cnt * dim3.cnt)/(dimall.cnt*dimall.cnt) as expected
FROM (SELECT sessionnumber, SUM(cast(cnt as bigint)) as cnt
GROUP BY sessionnumber) dim1 CROSS JOIN
(SELECT sessioncount, SUM(cast(cnt as bigint)) as cnt
GROUP BY sessioncount) dim2 CROSS JOIN
(SELECT timespent, SUM(cast(cnt as bigint)) as cnt
GROUP BY timespent) dim3 CROSS JOIN
(SELECT SUM(cast(cnt as bigint)) as cnt FROM d3) dimall
The sample data is:
sessionnumber sessioncount timespent cnt
1 17 28 45
2 22 8 30
3 1 1 2
4 1 1 2
5 8 111 119
6 8 65 73
7 11 5 16
8 1 1 2
9 62 64 126
10 6 42 48
But it gives me wrong output for the chi-square test values the output it gives is:
sessionnumber sessioncount timespent expected
1 23 1 0
2 23 1 0
3 23 1 0
4 23 1 0
5 23 1 0
6 23 1 0
7 23 1 0
8 23 1 0
9 23 1 0
10 23 1 0
I have tried my best and searched alot about this problem. Please do me a favor and kindly fix the problem! Thanks in advance!