How to make column heading bold text in rhandsontable in shiny package of r?
I have a rhandsontable in shiny that I want to make bold the text in the header. How can I do it? Does anyone know?
How to make column heading bold text in rhandsontable in shiny package of r?
I have a rhandsontable in shiny that I want to make bold the text in the header. How can I do it? Does anyone know?
You can add some style
to your table as so:
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$style(type="text/css", "#table1 th {font-weight:bold;}")
server=function(input, output, session) {
output$table1 <- renderRHandsontable({
rhandsontable is an interface to the Handsontable.js library, so it's possible to customize it using CSS. Take the following data frame:
DF = data.frame( = 1:10,
column.two = TRUE)
It looks like this without any customization.
But if you specify using CSS, you can reference it:
DF = data.frame( = 1:10,
column.two = TRUE)
func = "function (col) { # custom CSS
switch (col) {
case 0:
return '<b>Bold</b> and <em>Italics</em>';
case 1:
return '<em>Bold</em> and <b>Italics</b>';
rhandsontable(DF, colHeaders = htmlwidgets::JS(func))
And you end up with this.
Make sure to specify the colHeaders argument when you call the rhandsontable function.