Java ASM Bytecode - Find all instructions belongin

2020-06-29 02:40发布



I want to find the range of instructions between the start and the end of a method-call.
I do not want to simply just change the method-call owner/name/desc.

With the expected result, I want to be able to do:

  1. Completely remove a method call
  2. Modify the method call by adding new arguments either in-front or after

I've been trying different techniques to achieve this:

  1. ASM Analyzer (using SourceInterpreter)
  2. Looping the instruction set, forward and reversed, to try and locate the start and end, by either counting instruction count or counting stack heights
  3. Searching through StackOverflow (found nothing that resulted in the expected behavior)

I'll give you some examples of what exactly I want, in-case there's any confusion here.
First of all, look at my testing code below, then come back up here.

I wish to find/remove the whole method-call to anotherMethod4 and replace it with a simple true, resulting in this code:

            anotherMethod2("a", "b") ?
                "c" : anotherMethod3("d", "e") ? "f" : "g",
                true ? "j" : "k"
        ) ? "l" : "m"

I wish to find/remove the whole method-call to anotherMethod1 and replace it with a simple false, resulting in this code:

        false ? "l" : "m"

I wish to remove the whole method-call to System.out.println, resulting in this code:

    private Main()


This must surely be possible?

This is my current testing code:

private Main()
            anotherMethod2("a", "b") ?
                "c" : anotherMethod3("d", "e") ? "f" : "g",
                anotherMethod4("h", "i") ? "j" : "k"
        ) ? "l" : "m"

boolean anotherMethod1(String str, String oof)
    return true;
boolean anotherMethod2(String str, String oof)
    return true;
boolean anotherMethod3(String str, String oof)
    return true;
boolean anotherMethod4(String str, String oof)
    return true;


The arguments to a method invocation can have side effects, e.g method(variable = value), which might even be impossible to remove, e.g. when would lead to accessing an uninitialized variable after the removed invocation. On the bytecode level, the instructions belonging to the argument evaluation can be interleaved with arbitrary unrelated instructions.

But when we limit the scope, we can have a solution. In your example, all invocations are invokevirtual instructions invoked on either, the implied this or the value of a static field. For these invocations, we can indeed use ASM’s Analyzer with SourceInterpreter to identify the initial aload or getstatic instruction and assume all instruction from this one and the invocation instruction as belonging to the method call expression.

We can use code like

public class IdentifyCall {
    static IdentifyCall getInputs(
        String internalClassName, MethodNode toAnalyze) throws AnalyzerException {

        Map<AbstractInsnNode, Set<AbstractInsnNode>> sources = new HashMap<>();
        SourceInterpreter i = new SourceInterpreter();
        Analyzer<SourceValue> analyzer = new Analyzer<>(i);
        return new IdentifyCall(toAnalyze.instructions, analyzer.analyze(internalClassName, toAnalyze));
    private final InsnList instructions;
    private final Frame<SourceValue>[] frames;

    private IdentifyCall(InsnList il, Frame<SourceValue>[] analyzed) {
        instructions = il;
        frames = analyzed;
    int[] getSpan(AbstractInsnNode i) {
        MethodInsnNode mn = (MethodInsnNode)i;
        // can't use getArgumentsAndReturnSizes, as for the frame, double and long do not count as 2
        int nArg = mn.desc.startsWith("()")? 0: Type.getArgumentTypes(mn.desc).length;
        int end = instructions.indexOf(mn);
        Frame<SourceValue> f = frames[end];
        SourceValue receiver = f.getStack(f.getStackSize() - nArg - 1);
        if(receiver.insns.size() != 1) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        AbstractInsnNode n = receiver.insns.iterator().next();
        if(n.getOpcode() != Opcodes.ALOAD && n.getOpcode() != Opcodes.GETSTATIC)
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""+n.getOpcode());
        return new int[] { instructions.indexOf(n), end };

and demonstrate it with the following example

public class IdentifyCallExample {
    private void toAnalyze() {
                anotherMethod2("a", "b") ?
                    "c" : anotherMethod3("d", "e") ? "f" : "g",
                    anotherMethod4("h", "i") ? "j" : "k"
            ) ? "l" : "m"

    boolean anotherMethod1(String str, String oof) {
        return true;
    boolean anotherMethod2(String str, String oof) {
        return true;
    boolean anotherMethod3(String str, String oof) {
        return true;
    boolean anotherMethod4(String str, String oof) {
        return true;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws AnalyzerException, IOException {
        Class<?> me = MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass();
        ClassReader r = new ClassReader(me.getResourceAsStream(me.getSimpleName()+".class"));
        ClassNode cn = new ClassNode();
        r.accept(cn, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG|ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES);
        MethodNode toAnalyze = null;
        for(MethodNode mn: cn.methods)
            if("toAnalyze")) {
                toAnalyze = mn;

        List<int[]> invocations = new ArrayList<>();
        final InsnList instructions = toAnalyze.instructions;

        IdentifyCall identifyCall
            = IdentifyCall.getInputs(me.getName().replace('.', '/'), toAnalyze);

        for(int ix = 0, num = instructions.size(); ix < num; ix++) {
            AbstractInsnNode instr = instructions.get(ix);
            if(instr.getOpcode()!= Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL) continue;

        printIt(invocations, instructions);

    private static void printIt(List<int[]> invocations, final InsnList instructions) {
        List<Level> levels = toTree(invocations);
        Textifier toText = new Textifier();
        TraceMethodVisitor tmv = new TraceMethodVisitor(toText);
        for(int ix = 0, num = instructions.size(); ix < num; ix++) {
            AbstractInsnNode instr = instructions.get(ix);
            boolean line = false;
            level: for(Level l: levels) {
                if(ix >= l.lo && ix <= l.hi) {
                    for(int[] b: l.branches) {
                        if(ix < b[0] || ix > b[1]) continue;
                                (b[0] == ix? b[1] == ix? "─[": "┬─": b[1] == ix? "┴─": "┼─"):
                                (b[0] == ix? b[1] == ix? " [": "┌─": b[1] == ix? "└─": "│ "));
                        line |= b[0] == ix || b[1] == ix;
                        continue level;
                System.out.print(line? "──": "  ");
    static class Level {
        int lo, hi;
        ArrayDeque<int[]> branches=new ArrayDeque<>();

        Level(int[] b) { lo=b[0]; hi=b[1]; branches.add(b); }
        boolean insert(int[] b) {
            if(b[1]<=lo) { branches.addFirst(b); lo=b[0]; }
            else if(b[0]>=hi) { branches.addLast(b); hi=b[1]; }
            else return b[0]>lo && b[1] < hi
              && (b[0]+b[1])>>1 > (lo+hi)>>1? tryTail(b, lo, hi): tryHead(b, lo, hi);
            return true;
        private boolean tryHead(int[] b, int lo, int hi) {
            int[] head=branches.removeFirst();
            try {
                if(head[1] > b[0]) return false;
                if(branches.isEmpty() || (lo=branches.getFirst()[0])>=b[1]) {
                  return true;
                else return b[0]>lo && b[1] < hi
                  && (b[0]+b[1])>>1 > (lo+hi)>>1? tryTail(b, lo, hi): tryHead(b, lo, hi);
            } finally { branches.addFirst(head); }
        private boolean tryTail(int[] b, int lo, int hi) {
            int[] tail=branches.removeLast();
            try {
                if(tail[0] < b[1]) return false;
                if(branches.isEmpty() || (hi=branches.getLast()[1])<=b[0]) {
                  return true;
                else return b[0]>lo && b[1] < hi
                  && (b[0]+b[1])>>1 > (lo+hi)>>1? tryTail(b, lo, hi): tryHead(b, lo, hi);
            } finally { branches.addLast(tail); }
    static List<Level> toTree(List<int[]> list) {
        if(list.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList();
        if(list.size()==1) return Collections.singletonList(new Level(list.get(0)));
        list.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(b -> b[1] - b[0]));
        ArrayList<Level> l=new ArrayList<>();
        insert: for(int[] b: list) {
            for(Level level: l) if(level.insert(b)) continue insert;
            l.add(new Level(b));
        if(l.size() > 1) Collections.reverse(l);
        return l;

which will print

┌─────    GETSTATIC java/lang/System.out : Ljava/io/PrintStream;
│ ┌───    ALOAD 0
│ │ ┌─    ALOAD 0
│ │ │     LDC "a"
│ │ │     LDC "b"
│ │ └─    INVOKEVIRTUAL simple/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod2 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│ │       IFEQ L0
│ │       LDC "c"
│ │       GOTO L1
│ │      L0
│ │ ┌─    ALOAD 0
│ │ │     LDC "d"
│ │ │     LDC "e"
│ │ └─    INVOKEVIRTUAL simple/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod3 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│ │       IFEQ L2
│ │       LDC "f"
│ │       GOTO L1
│ │      L2
│ │       LDC "g"
│ │      L1
│ │ ┌─    ALOAD 0
│ │ │     LDC "h"
│ │ │     LDC "i"
│ │ └─    INVOKEVIRTUAL simple/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod4 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│ │       IFEQ L3
│ │       LDC "j"
│ │       GOTO L4
│ │      L3
│ │       LDC "k"
│ │      L4
│ └───    INVOKEVIRTUAL simple/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod1 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│         IFEQ L5
│         LDC "l"
│         GOTO L6
│        L5
│         LDC "m"
│        L6
└─────    INVOKEVIRTUAL java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V

When we want to support more complex receiver expressions or static methods, whose first argument can be an arbitrary expression, things get more complicated. The Frame<SourceValue> allows us to identify the instructions which pushed the current values to the operand stack, but in case of an expression like a + b, it would be the iadd instruction only and we have to analyze the iadd instruction’s frame to get its inputs. Instead of implementing this for every kind of instruction, it’s easier to extend the interpreter, to get the information and store it, e.g in a Map, as Analyzer has done this work already. Then, we can collect all inputs recursively.

But this only provides the direct and indirect input sources, but in case of conditional expressions, we also need the input(s) to the condition. For this, we have to identify and store the conditional branches. Whenever an input is reported to potentially originate from different source instructions, we have to check the related branches and add their conditions.

Then we use again the simplifying assumption, that all instructions between the first and last also belong to the invocation expression.

The more elaborated code looks like

public class IdentifyCall {
    private final InsnList instructions;
    private final Map<AbstractInsnNode, Set<SourceValue>> sources;
    private final TreeMap<int[],AbstractInsnNode> conditionals;

    private IdentifyCall(InsnList il,
            Map<AbstractInsnNode, Set<SourceValue>> s, TreeMap<int[], AbstractInsnNode> c) {
        instructions = il;
        sources = s;
        conditionals = c;

    Set<AbstractInsnNode> getAllInputsOf(AbstractInsnNode instr) {
        Set<AbstractInsnNode> source = new HashSet<>();
        List<SourceValue> pending = new ArrayList<>(sources.get(instr));
        for (int pIx = 0; pIx < pending.size(); pIx++) {
            SourceValue sv = pending.get(pIx);
            final boolean branch = sv.insns.size() > 1;
            for(AbstractInsnNode in: sv.insns) {
                    pending.addAll(sources.getOrDefault(in, Collections.emptySet()));
                if(branch) {
                    int ix = instructions.indexOf(in);
                    conditionals.forEach((b,i) -> {
                        if(b[0] <= ix && b[1] >= ix && source.add(i))
                            pending.addAll(sources.getOrDefault(i, Collections.emptySet()));
        return source;

    static IdentifyCall getInputs(
        String internalClassName, MethodNode toAnalyze) throws AnalyzerException {

        InsnList instructions = toAnalyze.instructions;
        Map<AbstractInsnNode, Set<SourceValue>> sources = new HashMap<>();
        SourceInterpreter i = new SourceInterpreter() {
            public SourceValue unaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, SourceValue value) {
                sources.computeIfAbsent(insn, x -> new HashSet<>()).add(value);
                return super.unaryOperation(insn, value);

            public SourceValue binaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, SourceValue v1, SourceValue v2) {
                addAll(insn, Arrays.asList(v1, v2));
                return super.binaryOperation(insn, v1, v2);

            public SourceValue ternaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, SourceValue v1, SourceValue v2, SourceValue v3) {
                addAll(insn, Arrays.asList(v1, v2, v3));
                return super.ternaryOperation(insn, v1, v2, v3);

            public SourceValue naryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, List<? extends SourceValue> values) {
                addAll(insn, values);
                return super.naryOperation(insn, values);

            private void addAll(AbstractInsnNode insn, List<? extends SourceValue> values) {
                sources.computeIfAbsent(insn, x -> new HashSet<>()).addAll(values);
        TreeMap<int[],AbstractInsnNode> conditionals = new TreeMap<>(
            Comparator.comparingInt((int[] a) -> a[0]).thenComparingInt(a -> a[1]));
        Analyzer<SourceValue> analyzer = new Analyzer<>(i) {
            protected void newControlFlowEdge(int insn, int successor) {
                if(insn != successor - 1) {
                    AbstractInsnNode instruction = instructions.get(insn);
                    Set<SourceValue> dep = sources.get(instruction);
                    if(dep != null && !dep.isEmpty())
                        conditionals.put(new int[]{ insn, successor }, instruction);
        analyzer.analyze(internalClassName, toAnalyze);
        return new IdentifyCall(instructions, sources, conditionals);

Then, we also use a more elaborated example code:

public class IdentifyCallExample {
    private void toAnalyze() {
        (Math.random()>0.5? System.out: System.err).println(
                anotherMethod2("a", "b") ?
                    "c" : anotherMethod3("d", "e") ? "f" : "g",
                    anotherMethod4("h", "i") ? "j" : "k"
            ) ? "l" : "m"

    static boolean anotherMethod1(String str, String oof) {
        return true;
    static boolean anotherMethod2(String str, String oof) {
        return true;
    static boolean anotherMethod3(String str, String oof) {
        return true;
    static boolean anotherMethod4(String str, String oof) {
        return true;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws AnalyzerException, IOException {
        Class<?> me = MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass();
        ClassReader r = new ClassReader(me.getResourceAsStream(me.getSimpleName()+".class"));
        ClassNode cn = new ClassNode();
        r.accept(cn, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG|ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES);
        MethodNode toAnalyze = null;
        for(MethodNode mn: cn.methods)
            if("toAnalyze")) {
                toAnalyze = mn;

        List<int[]> invocations = new ArrayList<>();
        final InsnList instructions = toAnalyze.instructions;

        IdentifyCall sources = IdentifyCall.getInputs(me.getName().replace('.', '/'), toAnalyze);

        for(int ix = 0, num = instructions.size(); ix < num; ix++) {
            AbstractInsnNode instr = instructions.get(ix);
            if(instr.getType() != AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN) continue;
            IntSummaryStatistics s = sources.getAllInputsOf(instr).stream()
            invocations.add(new int[]{s.getMin(), s.getMax()});

        printIt(invocations, instructions);
// remainder as in the simple variant

which will now print

┌────[    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Math.random ()D
│         LDC 0.5
│         DCMPL
│         IFLE L0
│         GETSTATIC java/lang/System.out : Ljava/io/PrintStream;
│         GOTO L1
│        L0
│         GETSTATIC java/lang/System.err : Ljava/io/PrintStream;
│        L1
│ ┌─┬─    LDC "a"
│ │ │     LDC "b"
│ │ └─    INVOKESTATIC complex/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod2 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│ │       IFEQ L2
│ │       LDC "c"
│ │       GOTO L3
│ │      L2
│ │ ┌─    LDC "d"
│ │ │     LDC "e"
│ │ └─    INVOKESTATIC complex/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod3 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│ │       IFEQ L4
│ │       LDC "f"
│ │       GOTO L3
│ │      L4
│ │       LDC "g"
│ │      L3
│ │ ┌─    LDC "h"
│ │ │     LDC "i"
│ │ └─    INVOKESTATIC complex/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod4 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│ │       IFEQ L5
│ │       LDC "j"
│ │       GOTO L6
│ │      L5
│ │       LDC "k"
│ │      L6
│ └───    INVOKESTATIC complex/IdentifyCallExample.anotherMethod1 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
│         IFEQ L7
│         LDC "l"
│         GOTO L8
│        L7
│         LDC "m"
│        L8
└─────    INVOKEVIRTUAL java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V

This may still not catch every possible case, but could be sufficient for your use cases.