I want to create a resourceful link with Laravel.
Normally I just use the {{ link_to_route('Yadayadayada.route', 'LinkName', $params }}
But in this case I am using a Template with this layout:
<a href="index.html">
<i class="icon-dashboard"></i>
<span class="menu-text"> Dashboard </span>
That means that inside the anchor tag, is as well a <i>
-Tag and a <span>
Is it possible to use the {{ link_to_route }}
-Method, without having to change the layout of the Template?
Use URL::route()
to get just a link:
<a href="{{ URL::route('user/profile/', $params) }}">
<i class="icon-dashboard"></i>
<span class="menu-text"> Dashboard </span>
If you Route use a Closure, you can use URL::to()
, like this
<a href="{{ URL::to('home/otherpage', $params) }}">
<i class="icon-dashboard"></i>
<span class="menu-text"> Dashboard </span>
As @orrd sugested, in general terms is better to use named routes, so it can be easily change the URL later:
<a href="{{ URL::route('routeName', $params) }}">
<i class="icon-dashboard"></i>
<span class="menu-text"> Dashboard </span>
(ref: https://laravel.com/docs/5.0/helpers#urls)
if you define Route name you can use that in your blade :
Route::get('/admin/transfer/forms-list', [
'as' => 'transfer.formsList',
'uses' => 'Website\TransferController@IndexTransferForms'
now you can use that in your blade like this :
<a href="{{URL::route('transfer.formsList')}}" type="submit">
Use URL::route() to get just a link:
<a href="{{ URL::route('user/profile/', $params) }}">
<i class="icon-dashboard"></i>
<span class="menu-text"> Dashboard </span>
There are no of ways to use route in blade:
1. Use Action
2. Use Route
{{ URL::route('route/', $params) }}
3. Use URL to
{{ URL::to('route/name', $params)) }}