As all the simple modules' behavior like 80211 mac layer has been defined in the INET module. If I want to add a customize layer between mac layer and network layer to handle network coding. How can I combine the customize module and INET's simple module ?
To add a new module between network layer and MAC layer I suggest creating a modified host in a new project. For OMNeT++
4.6 and INET
3.2.4 do the following:
- Create a new
empty project with src and simulation directories. - In the new project open
|Project References
and selectinet
. - Right click on
and selectNew
|Simple module
. Call itDummyLayer.ned
. Open
and add:@namespace(inet); import inet.linklayer.contract.INic; simple DummyLayer like INic { parameters: @display("i=block/buffer"); // here you can add others parameter gates: input ifIn; output ifOut; input upperLayerIn; output upperLayerOut; }
(this module just passes every message from up and down, as well as increments counters):// DummyLayer.h #include <omnetpp.h> namespace inet { class DummyLayer: public cSimpleModule { protected: virtual void initialize(); virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg); private: int upNumber; int downNumber; }; } //namespace //---------------------------------------------- // #include "DummyLayer.h" namespace inet { Define_Module(DummyLayer); void DummyLayer::initialize() { upNumber = 0; downNumber = 0; } void DummyLayer::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) { if (msg->arrivedOn("upperLayerIn")) { send(msg, "ifOut"); downNumber++; } else if (msg->arrivedOn("ifIn")) { send(msg, "upperLayerOut"); upNumber++; } else { error("Incorrect gate"); } char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "up: %d, down: %d", upNumber, downNumber); getDisplayString().setTagArg("t", 0, buf); } } //namespace
Create a new compound module for own host, call it
:import inet.common.lifecycle.NodeStatus; import inet.linklayer.contract.IWiredNic; import inet.linklayer.contract.IWirelessNic; import inet.linklayer.loopback.LoopbackInterface; import inet.mobility.contract.IMobility; import inet.networklayer.contract.IRoutingTable; import inet.networklayer.common.InterfaceTable; import inet.networklayer.contract.INetworkLayer; import inet.power.contract.IEnergyStorage; import inet.power.contract.IEnergyGenerator; import inet.applications.contract.IPingApp; import inet.applications.contract.ISCTPApp; import inet.applications.contract.ITCPApp; import inet.applications.contract.IUDPApp; import inet.transportlayer.contract.ISCTP; import inet.transportlayer.contract.ITCP; import inet.transportlayer.contract.IUDP; import inet.node.inet.INetworkNode; module WirelessHostEx like INetworkNode { parameters: @networkNode; @display("i=device/wifilaptop"); @labels(wireless-node); bool hasStatus = default(false); int numExtInterfaces = default(0); int numRadios = 1; int numTunInterfaces = default(0); string mobilityType = default(numRadios > 0 ? "StationaryMobility" : ""); string networkLayerType = default("IPv4NetworkLayer"); string routingTableType = default("IPv4RoutingTable"); bool forwarding = default(true); bool multicastForwarding = default(false); string energyStorageType = default(""); string energyGeneratorType = default(""); routingTable.forwarding = forwarding; routingTable.multicastForwarding = multicastForwarding; *.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(".interfaceTable")); *.routingTableModule = default(routingTableType != "" ? absPath(".routingTable") : ""); *.energySourceModule = default(energyStorageType != "" ? absPath(".energyStorage") : ""); *.mobilityModule = default(mobilityType != "" ? absPath(".mobility") : ""); int numTcpApps = default(0); int numUdpApps = default(0); int numPingApps = default(0); bool hasTcp = default(numTcpApps > 0); bool hasUdp = default(numUdpApps > 0); string tcpType = default(firstAvailableOrEmpty("TCP", "TCP_lwIP", "TCP_NSC")); // tcp implementation (e.g. ~TCP, ~TCP_lwIP, ~TCP_NSC) or ~TCPSpoof string udpType = default(firstAvailableOrEmpty("UDP")); forwarding = default(false); // disable routing by default networkLayer.proxyARP = default(false); gates: input radioIn[numRadios] @directIn; inout pppg[] @labels(PPPFrame-conn); inout ethg[] @labels(EtherFrame-conn); submodules: status: NodeStatus if hasStatus { @display("p=50,50"); } energyStorage: <energyStorageType> like IEnergyStorage if energyStorageType != "" { parameters: @display("p=50,100;i=block/plug;is=s"); } energyGenerator: <energyGeneratorType> like IEnergyGenerator if energyGeneratorType != "" { parameters: @display("p=50,150;i=block/plug;is=s"); } mobility: <mobilityType> like IMobility if mobilityType != "" { parameters: @display("p=53,200"); } networkLayer: <networkLayerType> like INetworkLayer { parameters: @display("p=329,287;q=queue"); } routingTable: <routingTableType> like IRoutingTable if routingTableType != "" { parameters: @display("p=53,250;is=s"); } interfaceTable: InterfaceTable { parameters: @display("p=53,300;is=s"); } lo0: LoopbackInterface { @display("p=78,406"); } wlan[numRadios]: <default("Ieee80211Nic")> like IWirelessNic { parameters: @display("p=216,406,row,60;q=queue"); } eth[sizeof(ethg)]: <default("EthernetInterface")> like IWiredNic { parameters: @display("p=368,406,row,60;q=txQueue"); } ppp[sizeof(pppg)]: <default("PPPInterface")> like IWiredNic { parameters: @display("p=558,406,row,60;q=txQueue"); } tcpApp[numTcpApps]: <> like ITCPApp { parameters: @display("p=147,54,row,60"); } tcp: <tcpType> like ITCP if hasTcp { parameters: @display("p=147,141"); } udpApp[numUdpApps]: <> like IUDPApp { parameters: @display("p=329,54,row,60"); } udp: <udpType> like IUDP if hasUdp { parameters: @display("p=329,141"); } pingApp[numPingApps]: <default("PingApp")> like IPingApp { parameters: @display("p=635,141,row,60"); } dummy: DummyLayer { @display("p=273,350"); } connections allowunconnected: radioIn[0] --> { @display("m=s"); } --> wlan[0].radioIn; // the order of connections is important here wlan[0].upperLayerOut --> dummy.ifIn; dummy.upperLayerOut --> networkLayer.ifIn++; wlan[0].upperLayerIn <-- dummy.ifOut; dummy.upperLayerIn <-- networkLayer.ifOut++; networkLayer.ifOut++ --> lo0.upperLayerIn; lo0.upperLayerOut --> networkLayer.ifIn++; for i=0..sizeof(ethg)-1 { ethg[i] <--> { @display("m=s"); } <--> eth[i].phys; eth[i].upperLayerOut --> networkLayer.ifIn++; eth[i].upperLayerIn <-- networkLayer.ifOut++; } for i=0..sizeof(pppg)-1 { pppg[i] <--> { @display("m=s"); } <--> ppp[i].phys; ppp[i].upperLayerOut --> networkLayer.ifIn++; ppp[i].upperLayerIn <-- networkLayer.ifOut++; } for i=0..numTcpApps-1 { tcpApp[i].tcpOut --> tcp.appIn++; tcpApp[i].tcpIn <-- tcp.appOut++; } tcp.ipOut --> networkLayer.transportIn++ if hasTcp; tcp.ipIn <-- networkLayer.transportOut++ if hasTcp; for i=0..numUdpApps-1 { udpApp[i].udpOut --> udp.appIn++; udpApp[i].udpIn <-- udp.appOut++; } udp.ipOut --> networkLayer.transportIn++ if hasUdp; udp.ipIn <-- networkLayer.transportOut++ if hasUdp; for i=0..numPingApps-1 { networkLayer.pingOut++ --> pingApp[i].pingIn; networkLayer.pingIn++ <-- pingApp[i].pingOut; } }
An own host module is necessary because StandardHost
from INET
creates connection between MAC and network layer automatically and it is not possible to add own module between these layers.
Create a network (for test):
import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator; import inet.physicallayer.ieee80211.packetlevel.Ieee80211ScalarRadioMedium; import inet.node.wireless.AccessPoint; network WirelessNetwork { submodules: configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator { @display("p=33,81"); } radioMedium: Ieee80211ScalarRadioMedium { @display("p=33,30"); } node0: WirelessHostEx { @display("p=128,121"); } node1: WirelessHostEx { @display("p=384,115"); } ap: AccessPoint { @display("p=273,54"); } }
:[General] network = WirelessNetwork // node0 will send ping to node1 **.node0.numPingApps = 1 **.node0.pingApp[0].destAddr = "node1" // using IP address here is allowed too
After starting the simulation one can see that in each host dummyLayer
send messages forward.