
How to show keyboard when page loads in android ap

2020-06-28 05:38发布


The first page of my android application has one input field. So what I want is when this page loads I want to show keyboard automatically without doing tap on the input field.


pkanev's comment is true on ios; ie, just focus on the text field and ios will open up the keyboard.

But on Android you need to do some extra work --

var utils = require("tns-core-modules/utils/utils");

var myTextfield = page.getViewById("myTextFieldId");

if (myTextfield.ios) {

    // on ios this will open the keyboard but not on android

if (myTextfield.android) {

    setTimeout(function() {

        // places the cursor here but doesn't open the keyboard

        var imm = utils.ad.getInputMethodManager();

        imm.showSoftInput(myTextfield.android, 0);

    }, 300);

Notice the use of setTimeout which is what you would need to do in native Android too.


To focus the field and trigger the keyboard in Android with NativeScript and Angular:

  1. Name your element in your template: <TextField #myInput [...]></TextField>

  2. Use it in your component file:

    import { ElementRef, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
    export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
      @ViewChild("myInput") myInput: ElementRef;
      ngOnInit() {
        setTimeout(() => this.myInput.nativeElement.focus(), 0);