Similar to: Search For Words, Replace With Links. However, I would rather not have the full hyperlink's URL visible, but instead have only the appearance of a hyperlink visible to the end-user. --- I also can't figure out how to use the replace()
-JS-function, like used in the following post: How to replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript?, for this same specific issue. --- Also similar to a JS-question: Link terms on page to Wikipedia articles in pure JavaScript, but I guess the answer given there can not, up front, differentiate between ambiguous terms.
How to auto-link every occurence of single words or word sequences to their respective predefined URL's?
In (a) certain HTML-page(s), is it possible to:
- Predefine manually; or automatically (Cf: Wiki-api) a list of single words and their respective (i.c. Wikipedia)-articles;
- such that every (such coupled) word in a document automatically receives the predefined link to the respective (i.c. Wikipedia)-article.
(1) Wherever the word cell occurs, this word should receive the link:, to give the following result: a cell is but a cell.
So, what I actually would like is to mimic what is actually happening within any Wikipedia-article itself (although I don't know whether this is automated there).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.