I have form, and need to create inline validation:
->add('Count1', 'integer', [
'data' => 1,
'constraints' => [
new NotBlank(),
new NotNull(),
->add('Count2', 'integer', [
'constraints' => [
new NotBlank(),
new NotNull(),
->add('Count3', 'integer', [
'data' => 0,
'constraints' => [
new NotBlank(),
new NotNull(),
How white inline validation Expression for rules
- Count2 >=Count1
- Count3 <=Count2
- Count2 >= $someVariable
Other solution by using Expression Constraint for cases 1 and 2.
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
// ...
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'constraints' => [
new Assert\Expression([
'expression' => 'value["Count2"] >= value["Count1"]',
'message' => 'count2 must be greater than or equal to count1'
new Assert\Expression([
'expression' => 'value["Count3"] <= value["Count2"]',
'message' => 'count3 must be less than or equal to count2'
For case 3 you can use Assert\GreaterThanOrEqual
constraint directly on Count2
I guess your form doesn't have a binding object model, otherwise to read the documentation referred is enough and better because you could use these expression on your properties directly.
You can utilize CallbackValidator
In your case, in order to validate one field againt another, you need to add constraint to a form type, not the field:
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'constraints' => array(
new Assert\Callback(function($data){
// $data is instance of object (or array) with all properties
// you can compare Count1, Count2 and Count 3
// and raise validation errors
You can also pass constraints
option while creating a form if you don't want to set it in setDefaultOptions
Starting from easiest
3) Count2 >= $someVariable
->add('Count3', 'integer', [
'data' => 0,
'constraints' => [
new NotBlank(),
new NotNull(),
new GreaterThanOrEqual($someVariable),
1) As for two first, you must implement constraint for a class scope, rather than property scope. And assign these constraints for a whole form
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('Count1', 'integer', [
'data' => 1,
'constraints' => [
new NotBlank(),
new NotNull(),
->add('Count2', 'integer', [
'constraints' => [
new NotBlank(),
new NotNull(),
->add('Count3', 'integer', [
'data' => 0,
'constraints' => [
new NotBlank(),
new NotNull(),
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
$resolver->setDefaults(['constraints' => [
new YourCustomConstraint(),
How to implement validator, see in the documentation.
But in your YourCustomConstraintValidator
you will have something like
public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
if ($value->getCount1() > $value->getCount2() {
I had some problem comparing two dates using Symfony's Expressions.
This is the code that works:
'label' => 'Campaign Ends At',
'data' => $entity->getEnd(),
'required' => true,
'disabled' => $disabled,
'widget' => 'single_text',
'constraints' => [
new Assert\GreaterThan(['value' => 'today']),
new Assert\Expression(
//here end and start are the name of two fields
'expression' => 'value > this.getParent()["start"].getData()',
'message' => 'my.form.error.end.date.bigger.than.start'