I am currently working on a live search and I need to be able to find parts of a name in two columns (we need to separate first and last name). I personally would like to keep the command short, however the only way I have been able to get this to work is:
User Searches For
John Doe
Generated SQL Query
(first_name LIKE '%john%' OR last_name LIKE '%john%') AND
(last_name LIKE '%doe%' OR last_name LIKE '%doe%');
The search field is one box so I do some simple separation by space. Most cases this won't reach beyond three sets of clauses, was just wondering if there was any better way to do this.
NOTE: I would like to be able to do partial matching. So I should be able to find John Doe if I look for "John Do"
SOLUTION With the help of Rolando, I did however come up with a solution, posted for anyone else who finds this. Follow his instructions on how to create the index below, then run this:
(MATCH(first,last) AGAINST ('+john* +do*' IN BOOLEAN MODE))