Is it possible to define a graph in native TensorFlow and then convert this graph to a Keras model?
My intention is simply combining (for me) the best of the two worlds.
I really like the Keras model API for prototyping and new experiments, i.e. using the awesome multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=4)
for training with multiple GPUs, saving/loading weights or whole models with oneliners, all the convenience functions like .fit()
, .predict()
, and others.
However, I prefer to define my model in native TensorFlow. Context managers in TF are awesome and, in my opinion, it is much easier to implement stuff like GANs with them:
with tf.variable_scope("Generator"):
# define some layers
with tf.variable_scope("Discriminator"):
# define some layers
# model losses
G_train_op = ...AdamOptimizer(...)
D_train_op = ...AdamOptimizer(...)
Another bonus is structuring the graph this way. In TensorBoard debugging complicated native Keras models are hell since they are not structured at all. With heavy use of variable scopes in native TF you can "disentangle" the graph and look at a very structured version of a complicated model for debugging.
By utilizing this I can directly setup custom loss function and do not have to freeze anything in every training iteration since TF will only update the weights in the correct scope, which is (at least in my opinion) far easier than the Keras solution to loop over all the existing layers and set .trainable = False
Long story short: I like the direct access to everything in TF, but most of the time a simple Keras model is sufficient for training, inference, ... later on. The model API is much easier and more convenient in Keras.
Hence, I would prefer to set up a graph in native TF and convert it to Keras for training, evaluation, and so on. Is there any way to do this?