I'm using NSData+AESCrypt category by Jim Dovey and NSString+AESCrypt by Michael Sedlaczek (2011-02-22).
And on PHP I have a simple script:
$iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
$key = '01234567890123456789012345678901';
$plaintext = "myworda";
$ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $plaintext, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
$base64encoded_ciphertext = base64_encode($ciphertext);
echo "ciphertext: ".$base64encoded_ciphertext."<br/>";
In ObjC:
NSString *key = @"01234567890123456789012345678901";
NSString *plaintext = [@"+l56Ia4yyK19D2x2+oCXuw==" AES256DecryptWithKey: key];
NSLog(@"plaintext: %@", plaintext);
I change the variable $plaintext in PHP, run script and copy and paste the output-cipher to the Objective-c to decrypt it.
"myword" gives me "+l56Ia4yyK19D2x2+oCXuw==" and I decrypt in and get "myword" on iOS [OK]
"good morning" gives me "5UdImsV1pQs60ovXmH74HQ==" and I decrypt in and get "good morning" on iOS [OK]
- "Schröder" gives me "KqNSCE8nGsYUYVdGZ2tnMw==" and I decrypt in and get "Schröder" on iOS [OK]
- "Schröder" gives me "KqNSCE8nGsYUYVdGZ2tnMw==" and I decrypt in and get "Schröder" on iOS [OK]
- "very long text" gives me "lsa+QF3IHQnAFiOjl2Heyg==" and I decrypt in and get "very long text" on iOS [OK]
- "very very very very long text" gives me "kl/ThEyuyUMmKSqU4/fJSzzJOyvsXrGRt5/zsnqjQww=" and I cannot decrypt it on iOS [FAIL]
Why #5 fails? If I try to encrypt "very very very very long text" using Xcode, I get "kl/ThEyuyUMmKSqU4/fJS90UZoJ73S4gox2uCoWoIL8=" notice that: kl/ThEyuyUMmKSqU4/fJS == kl/ThEyuyUMmKSqU4/fJS zzJOyvsXrGRt5/zsnqjQww != 90UZoJ73S4gox2uCoWoIL8=
But going further, encrypting "good morning" on Xcode gives me "hVq1AuR8PAXSOztK26pmMw==", while PHP gave "5UdImsV1pQs60ovXmH74HQ==", but Xcode decrypts both to "good morning" using the same key.
Please help.