Except http://us3.php.net/manual/en/book.ktaglib.php and http://getid3.sourceforge.net/ does anyone know of any other way to work from PHP with tags on audio files?
I need to read and write them, and KTagLib seems a little too much for the job, and also don't really get the documentation, and getID3 seems to only write ID3v1 tags.
There are also other ID3 functions in PHP just for reading: http://php.oregonstate.edu/manual/en/book.id3.php
You should try stable version of getID3(), there is this comment for beta:
v2.0.0-b5 can write only some tag formats:
In stable, they should be supported (if the don't lie):
Tag formats:
ID3v1 (v1.0 & v1.1)
ID3v2 (v2.2, v2.3 & v2.4)
APE tags (v1 & v2)
(Ogg) VorbisComment
Lyrics3 (v1 & v2)
with ktaglib:
$tag = new KTaglib_MPEG_File('test.mp3')->getID3v2Tag()->getFrameList();
echo "Album: " . $tag["TIT2"];
echo "Album: " . $tag["TALB"];
echo "Artist: " . $tag["TPE1"];
If you can't use the php module for the id3 tags (sometimes you can't install modules on some hostings), you can use this function:
At the moment, to write vorbis tags to an ogg/vorbis file, GetId3 requires vorbiscomment installed on the server.