I'm trying to decorate a class with another class. I also want to inherit from the decorated class, but I get some errors. Here's my code:
class Decorator:
def __init__(self, decorated):
class Foo:
class Goo(Foo):
The error I get when I try to subclass from Foo
is this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 9, in
class Goo(Foo):
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (4 given)
By adding another init function to Decorator
def __init__(self, *args):
for arg in args:
... I get the following output:
<class '__main__.Foo'>
(<__main__.Decorator object at 0x010073B0>,)
{'__module__': '__main__'}
What are those parameters and how should I be using them inside Decorator
I'll try to answer the "what are those parameters" question. This code:
class Foo:
is equivalent to:
class Foo:
Foo = Decorator(Foo)
This means that Foo
ends up being an instance of the Decorator
class instead of being a class.
When you try to use this instance as a base of a class (Goo
), Python will have to determine a metaclass that will be used to create the new class. In this case it will use Foo.__class__
which equals to Decorator
. Then it will call the metaclass with (name, bases, dict)
arguments and expect it to return a new class.
This is how you end up with these arguments in Decorator.__init__
More about this can be found here:
(particularly the "When a class statement is executed..." part)
Are you trying to add a MixIn to a class after the class has been defined?
If so, you could inject the MixIn this way:
def inject_class(mixin):
def _inject_class(cls):
return type(cls.__name__,(mixin,)+cls.__bases__,dict(cls.__dict__))
return _inject_class
class MixIn(object):
def mix(self):
class Foo(object):
def foo(self):
class Goo(Foo):
def goo(self):
If you don't want the generality of inject_class
, you could make a specialized class decorator which mixes in Decorator
def decorate(cls):
class Decorator(object):
def deco(self):
return type(cls.__name__,(Decorator,)+cls.__bases__,dict(cls.__dict__))
class Foo(object):
def foo(self):
the result is the same.
I had the same problem and the following solution works for me:
from functools import update_wrapper
class decoratorBase():
def __new__(cls, logic):
self = object.__new__(cls)
def new (cls):
#cls is the decorated class type, not the decorator class type itself
return self
self._logic.__new__ = new
#return the wrapped class and not a wrapper
return self._logic
def __init__(self, logic):
#logic is the decorated class
self._logic = logic
def _createInstance(self, cls):
self._logicInstance = object.__new__(cls)
def _postInstanceCreation(self):
class factory(decoratorBase):
def __init__(self, *largs, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*largs, **kwargs)
self.__instance = None
def _createInstance(self, cls):
self._logicInstance = None
self._cls = cls
def _postInstanceCreation(self):
update_wrapper(self, self._cls)
def __call__(self, userData, *largs, **kwargs):
logicInstance = object.__new__(self._cls)
logicInstance.__init__(*largs, **kwargs)
return logicInstance
class singelton(decoratorBase):
def _postInstanceCreation(self):
update_wrapper(self, self._logicInstance)
def __call__(self, userData):
return self._logicInstance
class base():
def __init__(self):
self.var = 0
print ("Create new object")
def __call__(self):
self.var += self._updateValue()
def _update(self, userData):
print ("Update object static value with {0}".format(userData))
self.var = userData
class factoryTestBase(base):
def __call__(self):
print("I'm a factory, here is the proof: {0}".format(self.var))
def _updateValue(self):
return 1
class factoryTestDerived(factoryTestBase):
def _updateValue(self):
return 5
class singeltonTestBase(base):
def __call__(self):
print("I'm a singelton, here is the proof: {0}".format(self.var))
def _updateValue(self):
return 1
class singeltonTestDerived(singeltonTestBase):
def _updateValue(self):
return 5
The magic in this approach is the overloading of the __new__()
method, as well for the decorator itself as for the "wrapper" which is returned by the decorator. I set the word wrapper in quotes, because actually there is no wrapper. Instead the decorated class is alternated by the decorator and returned. Using this scheme, you are able to inherit from a decorated class. The most important thing is the change of the __new__()
method of the decorated class, which is made by the following lines:
def new (cls):
return self
self._logic.__new__ = new
Using this, you have access to the decorator methods like self._createInstance()
during creation of an object from a decorated class. You even have the opportunity to inherit from your decorators (as it is shown in the example).
Now lets run a simple example:
>>> factoryObjCreater = factoryTestBase()
>>> factoryObj1 = factoryObjCreater(userData = 1)
Create new object
Update object static value with 1
>>> factoryObj2 = factoryObjCreater(userData = 1)
Create new object
Update object static value with 1
>>> factoryObj1()
I'm a factory, here is the proof: 2
>>> factoryObj2()
I'm a factory, here is the proof: 2
>>> factoryObjDerivedCreater = factoryTestDerived()
>>> factoryObjDerived1 = factoryObjDerivedCreater(userData = 2)
Create new object
Update object static value with 2
>>> factoryObjDerived2 = factoryObjDerivedCreater(userData = 2)
Create new object
Update object static value with 2
>>> factoryObjDerived1()
I'm a factory, here is the proof: 7
>>> factoryObjDerived2()
I'm a factory, here is the proof: 7
>>> singeltonObjCreater = singeltonTestBase()
Create new object
>>> singeltonObj1 = singeltonObjCreater(userData = 1)
Update object static value with 1
>>> singeltonObj2 = singeltonObjCreater(userData = 1)
Update object static value with 1
>>> singeltonObj1()
I'm a singelton, here is the proof: 2
>>> singeltonObj2()
I'm a singelton, here is the proof: 3
>>> singeltonObjDerivedCreater = singeltonTestDerived()
Create new object
>>> singeltonObjDerived1 = singeltonObjDerivedCreater(userData = 2)
Update object static value with 2
>>> singeltonObjDerived2 = singeltonObjDerivedCreater(userData = 2)
Update object static value with 2
>>> singeltonObjDerived1()
I'm a singelton, here is the proof: 7
>>> singeltonObjDerived2()
I'm a singelton, here is the proof: 12