TSQL: Call a stored procedure from another stored

2019-01-23 01:37发布


I have a stored procedure that, ending with a SELECT, returns a recordset. I can call it within anoher stored procedure like this:

EXEC procedure @param

How to get the returning recordset? Thanks


You can create a temp table and then use INSERT INTO #MyTable EXEC procedure @param.

There are some other techniques listed here.


AFAIK, you can't. What you probably want to do is use a function for your first (or both) procedures. Functions can only return one thing, but they can return a table. Stored procedures can return multiple results, but not to other functions/stored procedures.


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetSubordinates] (
    @sPersonID VARCHAR(10),
    @nLevels INT
RETURNS @tblSubordinates TABLE
    Person_Id VARCHAR(10),
    Surname char(25),
    Firstname char(25)


If you are using SQL Server 2008, I would recommend returning a Table-Valued Parameter.



You can do this with an output variable in the stored proc. For example:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_HelloWorld   @MyReturnValue int OUT
SELECT @MyReturnValue = 100
Return @MyReturnValue 

To call this stored proc, do the following:

DECLARE @TestReturnVal int 

EXEC sp_HelloWorld @TestReturnVal output
SELECT @TestReturnVal 


First, you CANNOT RETURN a recordset by stored procedure. By return, a stored procedure can only return integers.

You mentioned SELECT statement, which is a DQL and just for display purpose.

The way you can do to work around this issue is that you can assign the recordset to a global temporary table which can also be accessed within the outer stored procedure.