I'm trying to find the bounding polygons of all of the wholes in a 2D grid with a large no-data value (1e6). I've got the listing of holes working using scipy's label. Without dipping into gdal's polygonalize, is there an easy way to generate the bounding polygons? I see that there is matplotlib.pylab.contour, but this tries to draw a plot, which I really don't want. Any recommendation on how to get bounding polygons for each label (preferably with a way to simplify the polygons a little if possible)? I'm sure I can write something that will walk the bounds of each labelled hole, but is there something that already exists?
from osgeo import gdal
from scipy import ndimage
dem_file = gdal.Open('dem.tif')
dem = dem.file.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
# Get a binary image of the no-data regions. The no-data value is large
bin = dem > 9e5
# Find all the wholes. Anything with a label > 0.
labels, num_labels = ndimage.measurements.label(bin)
# The hole's label and size. Skip 0 as that label has all the valid data.
holes = [(label, sum(labels==label)) for label in range(1, num_labels)]
[(1, 7520492),
(2, 1),
(3, 1),]
e.g. rather than countouring, I'm looking for the bounds of all of these white regions as viewed in qgis, which was done with gdal_polygonalize.py.