Import and make use of Polymer-Dart 1.0.0 release

2020-06-24 08:02发布


I do love Polymer - and I do love Dart. And the Polymer-Dart library was pretty much the best thing ever happend to Web development (imho).

Polymer 1.0 has been released a while ago and Googlers are working hard to build the corresponding Dart wrapper as stated in Dart's Web Development Google Group.

I've built a fairly huge project quite a while ago in Polymer 0.5 and it's time to upgrade. Due to various changes in Polymer 1.0 the migration is quite hard and a lot of code breaks are expected. Since Polymer 1.0 is meant to build the final API structure for future releases, I decided to start from scratch and build the project in Polymer 1.0. Right now, there is no official 0.17 Polymer-Dart wrapper released, which is why I want to make use of the developement branch '0.17-0-dev-interop-reverse'.

However, right now, I am wondering, how to actually import the Polymer-Dart dev project into my Polymer Dart project. I am using Webstorm 10 and Dart 1.11.3.

Also, what is currently not supported by the development version? I read somewhere that it's missing a transformer - is that still the case?

My question is basically, how to use Polymer 1.0 in Dart already without waiting for the official 0.17 release.


With the following pubspec.yaml it works fine for me:

Dart Polymer 1.0.0-rc.2

name: todomvc
description: TodoMVC built with the polymer.dart package
version: 0.15.1
  browser: any
  polymer: 1.0.0-rc.2
  polymer_elements: 1.0.0-rc.2
  reflectable: 0.3.2
  web_components: ^0.12.0

- web_components:
    - web/index.html
    - test/listorder_test.html
    - test/markdone_test.html
    - test/mainpage_test.html
- reflectable:
    - web/index.dart
    - test/listorder_test.dart
    - test/markdone_test.dart
    - test/mainpage_test.dart
- test/pub_serve:
    $include: test/**_test{.*,}.dart
- $dart2js:
    minify: true

  sdk: ">=1.2.0 <2.0.0"

There is an TodoMVC application ported to Polymer.dart 0.17 (see the branches polymer-0.17 and polymer-0.17-behaviors.