I do love Polymer - and I do love Dart. And the Polymer-Dart library was pretty much the best thing ever happend to Web development (imho).
Polymer 1.0 has been released a while ago and Googlers are working hard to build the corresponding Dart wrapper as stated in Dart's Web Development Google Group.
I've built a fairly huge project quite a while ago in Polymer 0.5 and it's time to upgrade. Due to various changes in Polymer 1.0 the migration is quite hard and a lot of code breaks are expected. Since Polymer 1.0 is meant to build the final API structure for future releases, I decided to start from scratch and build the project in Polymer 1.0. Right now, there is no official 0.17 Polymer-Dart wrapper released, which is why I want to make use of the developement branch '0.17-0-dev-interop-reverse'.
However, right now, I am wondering, how to actually import the Polymer-Dart dev project into my Polymer Dart project. I am using Webstorm 10 and Dart 1.11.3.
Also, what is currently not supported by the development version? I read somewhere that it's missing a transformer - is that still the case?
My question is basically, how to use Polymer 1.0 in Dart already without waiting for the official 0.17 release.