MacOSX comes with dictionaries stored in /Library/Dictionaries
. I would like to parse them to obtain dictionary results programmatically (via Terminal, AppleScript, or Automator). The dictionaries are MacOSX packages and all have a Contents
folder that contains a file called
. I would like to parse that file for a UTF-8 string (maybe Chinese character double bytes) and return the lines where the string is found.
I've tried the following, which is not returning any results:
find . -name '' -exec grep -li '我' {} \;
When I search through the dictionary using the app interface I can find the appropriate text. My objective is to create a workflow service to translate selected Chinese text into the pinyin equivalents which are stored in the system/user dictionaries.
The following worked for me based on the accepted answer:
Created and Archived a command line utility called rdef
using Xcode with this code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
if(argc < 2)
printf("Usage: rdef <word to define>");
return -1;
NSString * search =
[NSString stringWithCString: argv[1] encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
CFStringRef def =
(__bridge CFStringRef)search,
CFRangeMake(0, [search length]));
NSString * output =
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"Definition of <%@>: %@", search, (__bridge NSString *)def];
printf("%s", [output UTF8String]);
return 0;
Added the following to my project frameworks:
Performed a Build and then deployed manually using the steps below.
To deploy:
Right-clicked the Archived package and chose Show in Finder. Then Show Package Contents and drilled down product folder and copied the executable to /local/usr/bin
. Now from a command prompt I can run the utility like so:
rdef 我|awk -F '\|' '{ gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2); print $2 }'
Please see the accepted answer below for extended references.
NB: The github for the utility can be found at
Next I will just create a Service to call the utility from Automator against selected text.
Service Solution
To pay it forward for the folks who've helped, especially @mklement0: here is the Solution for taking the command utility and converting it to a MacOSX service that can be used to translate Chinese characters to pinyin.
Create a new Automator Service file and make sure to select output replaces selected text.
Automator Script details
export PATH
for ((i=0;i<${#x};i++)); do rdef "${x:i:1}" | awk -F '\|' 'BEGIN {ORS=" "}{ gsub(/^ | +?/, "", $2); if (length($2) > 0) print $2 ; exit}'; done
To make the Service "live" just delete the "Ask for Text" and save the service with name of your choice (e.g. Convert to Pinyin).
To use the revised service highlight any Chinese characters and right click the context menu then on the bottom under the Services menu select "Convert to Pinyin" ... (as indicated below)
Produces this output
Hope that helps anyone with this problem.