I have simple web app where I like to load some data from json. At the moment the data is hardcoded within my service and everything is working.
When I change my service to load the same data from an external json file the controller renders the view before it gets some data.
That's what it looks like now:
function() {
var tripsService = function() {
var trips = [{ .... SOME DATA }];
this.getTrips = function() {
return trips;
angular.module('customersApp').service('tripsService', tripsService);
Using $http.get :
function() {
var tripsService = function() {
var trips = [];
this.getTrips = function() {
$http.get('trips.json').success(function (data) {
var trips = data;
return trips;
angular.module('customersApp').service('tripsService', tripsService);
Here is my Plunker:
What can I do to change this ? I have read something about adding resolve property to my routeProvider but I wasn't able to solve the problem !
Update: Maybe my description wasn't precise enough and I have to learn some more about handling data ! The data from json should just load once, so that any view change wouldn't reload the original json file.