I want to partition a dataframe "df1" on 3 columns. This dataframe has exactly 990 unique combinaisons for those 3 columns:
In [17]: df1.createOrReplaceTempView("df1_view")
In [18]: spark.sql("select count(*) from (select distinct(col1,col2,col3) from df1_view) as t").show()
| 990|
In order to optimize the processing of this dataframe, I want to partition df1 in order to get 990 partitions, one for each key possibility:
In [19]: df1.rdd.getNumPartitions()
Out[19]: 24
In [20]: df2 = df1.repartition(990, "col1", "col2", "col3")
In [21]: df2.rdd.getNumPartitions()
Out[21]: 990
I wrote a simple way to count rows in each partition:
In [22]: def f(iterator):
...: a = 0
...: for partition in iterator:
...: a = a + 1
...: print(a)
In [23]: df2.foreachPartition(f)
And I notice that what I get in fact is 628 partitions with one or more key values, and 362 empty partitions.
I assumed spark would repartition in an even way (1 key value = 1 partition) but that does not seem like it, and I feel like this repartitionning is adding data skew even though it should be the other way around...
What's the algorithm Spark uses to partition a dataframe on columns ? Is there a way to achieve what I thought was possible ?
I'm using Spark 2.2.0 on Cloudera.