I am fairly new to this stuff, and I need a shell file to loop through all ".xml" files in a folder, and do some text replacements.
So far I have come up with this:
sed "s/old_text/new_text/g" testfile.xml -i
However, I want this to run on all xml files in the current folder, not just on "testfile.xml". Furthermore, how can I make a backup of the original file ?
Any input is more than welcomed!
Thankls a lot!
To run sed
on all the xml files, just specify the wildcard
sed "s/old_text/new_text/g" *.xml -i
To create a backup, just specify the extension after -i
sed "s/old_text/new_text/g" *.xml -i~
Note that's usually better to use XML aware tools to handle XML.
For all .xml
files that lie in the current directory:
sed -i.bak 's/old_text/new_text/g' *.xml
To recurse into subdirectories, combine with find
find . -name '*.xml' -exec sed -i.bak 's/old_text/new_text/g' '{}' \;
The backup files will end in .xml.bak
this way (the parameter to -i
is appended to the original file name).
a practical shell script, if you intend to sanitize a bunch of files with a number of measures – things that will get a little impractical on a single line...
# only take files form certain subfolders and certain extensions
# be careful to not tamper with .git or .svn folders
# - thus excluding all hidden folders as an extra precaution
# - also tampering with node_modules is a bad idea
FILES=$(find . -type f -regextype posix-extended \
-regex "^\./(public|source)/.*\.(scss|js)$" \
-not -regex ".*\/(\.|node_modules).*")
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing $f file..."
# all files: prune trailing whitespace on each file.
sed -i 's/ *$//' $f
if [[ $f =~ \.js$ ]]; then
echo "javascript file!"
# DO stuff
if [[ $f =~ \.scss$ ]]; then
echo "scss file!"
# \b whole word matching – stackoverflow.com/a/1032039/444255
sed -i 's/\#000\b/black/g' $f
sed -i 's/\#000000\b/black/g' $f
sed -i 's/\#fff\b/white/g' $f
sed -i 's/\#ffffff\b/white/g' $f
caveat: with great power comes great responsibility, and mass-replacement means great power...