How can I imitate medfilt2 of Matlab with OpenCV?

2020-06-23 07:29发布


I have an imaging application written in Matlab and need to convert it into C++ app with OpenCV. But I can't seem to find an easy way to imitate medfilt2 with OpenCV.

I tried MedianBlur but it didn't produce the same result. Could anybody give me any clue for this task?


It would appear to me that this link should have what you need. However, looks like you'll have to make a minor modification if you want to specify the n by m window.

     //   Pick up window elements
     int k = 0;
     // Original: element window[9];
     element window[n_win*m_win];
     for (int j = m_win - 1; j < m_win; ++j)
        for (int i = n_win - 1; i < n_win; ++i)
           window[k++] = image[j * N + i];
     //   Order elements (only half of them)
     // make sure (n_win*m_win)/2 is odd :-)
     for (int j = 0; j < (n_win*m_win)/2; ++j)
        //   Find position of minimum element
        int min = j;
        for (int l = j + 1; l < n_win*m_win; ++l)
        if (window[l] < window[min])
           min = l;
        //   Put found minimum element in its place
        const element temp = window[j];
        window[j] = window[min];
        window[min] = temp;
     //   Get result - the middle element
     result[(m - 1) * (N - 2) + n - 1] = window[4];