
Django Comments and Rating Systems

2020-06-23 08:05发布


I am looking for a blogging and comments system that can smoothly integrate with my Django sites. I've found there is a lot on the Net and got lost a bit, and I don't have much experience on this. Hope you guys can give me some suggestions.

Here are the things that I would like to have:

  • Tag Clouds
  • Articles Archive (by months/by years)
  • Articles Rating (e.g. with Stars or customize icons)
  • Comments to the particular Topic/Articles
  • Sub-Comments of a particular comments (i.e. following up comments)
  • Blogs/Articles Searching
  • Able to relate other articles that is relevant (i.e. follow up Articles)
  • Pagination of the comments if get too long
  • OpenIDs supports (e.g. facebook, hotmail, blogger, twitter...etc)
  • Support login before user can comments
  • Able to retrieve Blogs' Header and customized the display order
  • Able to subscribe this article to RSS
  • Able to Email this to friends (this may not belongs to the comments system)

If I missed some common functions, please let me know. The comments system I am looking for should do most jobs that those popular comments system should do on the web, e.g. WordPress.

Thank you so much everyone. Have a nice day.


I myself really like django-threadedcomments. It supports threaded commenting like what you would see in Disqus.


i heard django-comment-utils is quite good. - may you test it :)