
Embed Instagram feed to website sidebar [closed]

2020-06-23 06:25发布


i am trying to integrate Instagram feed of client to website sidebar .

I googled and did some research .I didn't find direct way to integrate feeds .

I went through third party app like Snapwidget . Its pretty good but problem with that is that when i click on the feed displayed on sidebar widget provided by it , it redirect to its own site's page which contain my uploaded images .

I want my feed to look pretty in sidebar and when user click on my picture they should be redirected to my Instagram account or that feed on Instagram itself .


Currently Instagram supports for only post embed is seems. There is no direct implementation to instagram feed embed. https://www.instagram.com/developer/embedding/

But there are third party tools which provide Instagram feed to be embed to your website. Try free tools such as https://www.pixlee.com/social-feed to embed to your website.

You can try the following free tools in the article. http://www.developerdrive.com/2017/09/how-to-embed-an-instagram-feed/

If the page redirects to their website, you can do a small hack in the provided URL. Try to change it to your Instagram account from the a href link


It's probably easiest to use a free third-party tool like Pixlee that Lakindu mentioned above. Here's a quick article on how to embed an Instagram feed onto your site: https://www.pixlee.com/blog/how-to-add-a-free-instagram-feed-to-your-website/


I also made a tool to help people acheiving that task.

Here is the link : https://social-gallery.com

It is still in beta and lacks some features but I'd like to see if some people are interested before implementing a lot of stuff on it. I clearly plan to add a lot of features if it finds its public!