Is there a way of getting jQuery to generate breadcrumbs on a page from the url?
So if the site url was:
The breadcrumbs would be something like: Home > Sec1 > Sec2 > Page
Is there a way of getting jQuery to generate breadcrumbs on a page from the url?
So if the site url was:
The breadcrumbs would be something like: Home > Sec1 > Sec2 > Page
This will create an array you can use to generate breadcrumbs.
var here = location.href.split('/').slice(3);
var parts = [{ "text": 'Home', "link": '/' }];
for( var i = 0; i < here.length; i++ ) {
var part = here[i];
var text = part.toUpperCase();
var link = '/' + here.slice( 0, i + 1 ).join('/');
parts.push({ "text": text, "link": link });
Though, I really think you should be handling this at the server side!
var url = ''; // = location.href
var parts = url.split('/');
parts[0] = 'Home';
var breadcrumb = parts.join(' > ');
splitted_url = document.url.split('/');
Will give you an array containing each directory, then you can access them like splitted_url[0]
jQuery doesn't have any unique URL parsing abilities aside from what JavaScript itself provides. You can get the URL path with:
var path = location.pathname;
Then, you can get the parts of the path with:
var parts = path.split('/');
Then, just loop through the parts and generate your breadcrumb HTML as you see fit.