NSLocalizedString(@"Word 1", @"");
NSLocalizedString(@"Word 2", @"");
"Word 1" = "Wort 1";
"Word 2" = "Wort 2";
/* Missing Word 1 */
"Word 2" = "Mot 2";
Is there a script or a compiler setting that will check that all localised strings are translated in all supported locales?
You can use diff
on the list of keys to see what's missing
Here's a shell script (let's call it
) to print out the keys of a given .strings
file, sorted to stdout
plutil -convert json "$1".lproj/Localizable.strings -o - | ruby -r json -e 'puts JSON.parse('
You can then use it combined with the <(cmd)
shell syntax to compare keys between two localisations; for example to compare your Base.lproj
and fr.lproj
diff <( Base) <( fr)
Not the perfect solution for your problem. But you could uses following plugin to check localization strings while coding.
Also, I use to export localization string table from an Excel file or Google Sheet as a practice. This will make things easier and reduce lot of mistakes.
Check my example on how you can achieve it
To sum up: you can create a Run Script
under Build Phase
in which you execute a bash script
like suggested from @AliSoftware to compare your Localizable.strings
and in case some keys are missing from one compared to the other you could either stop the build and output those missing keys as error or you could just output them as error and not let the build continue.
Go under "Edit Scheme > Options" and check the "Show non-localized strings" box.
When you Build and Run you'll able to see warnings on Xcode command screen.
if you localized string like below:
lblTitle.text = NSLocalizedString("Lorem Ipsum", "")
then Xcode should throw an error message on terminal like below:
ERROR Lorem Ipsum not found in table Localizable of bundle CFBundle ...
For storyboards, Xcode will throw a similar error.