I'm using Flash Builder and created a spark-application Flex project that will stream video from the local camera. If I use mx.controls.VideoDisplay
; there is no problem since it has attachCamera(camera)
method. But Spark's VideoDisplay
component does not have that method. I know I can use mx controls inside a Spark app but I want to know:
- What is the real difference between
and mx.controls.VideoDisplay
- How do I attach camera to
- Is there any advantages if I go with spark (since it's newer to mx library)?
EDIT: In the documentation this is mentioned: "Starting with Flex 4.0, Adobe recommends that you use the spark.components.VideoPlayer class as an alternative to this class. (mx.controls.VideoDisplay)"
Here are the specifics to get this working:
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import org.osmf.net.StreamType;
import spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoItem;
import spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource;
private var _cam:DynamicStreamingVideoSource = new DynamicStreamingVideoSource();
private var _dynVideoSource:DynamicStreamingVideoSource;
protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
_dynVideoSource=new DynamicStreamingVideoSource();
var videoItems:Vector.<DynamicStreamingVideoItem>;
videoItems=new Vector.<DynamicStreamingVideoItem>();
videoItems[0]=new DynamicStreamingVideoItem();
_dynVideoSource.host= "";
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera(); //Camera.names[0]);
cam.setMode(640, 480, 15);
cam.setQuality(0, 80);
Straight up, the answer is that you can't attach a camera to the Spark VideoDisplay
. Sorry. I was trying to make this happen too, but I had to default to the mx VideoDisplay
and there's nothing wrong with using it :)
Spark is newer and I prefer to use it whenever possible too, but in this case, you just need to use the MX control. It happens.
I tried to attach the camera to videoDisplay.videoObject
- but the videoObject was always null, which throws an error.
To resolve that I created a dummy DynamicStreamingVideoObject and passed it as the source
_cam = new DynamicStreamingVideoSource();
<s:VideoDisplay id="mycam" source="_cam" />
then, in the creationComplete handler of the application i did this
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
this resolved the issue.
Been looking for a solution to this and found the below
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
cam.setMode(320, 240, 15);
cam.setQuality(0, 0);
var myCam:Video = new Video(320,240);
Shorter workaround:
<s:VideoDisplay id="camVideoDisplay"
In this case, the Video object can be then referenced as camVideoDisplay.videoObject
, e.g.:
camVideoDisplay.videoObject.attachCamera( .. );