Where can I find a good detailed tutorial using sskeychain to store and retrieve usernames and passwords and to do basic authentication in a UIWebView? Secondarily, am I on the right track as far as the methods needed to store and use authentication for a web based application? (See explanation below.)
I found a couple tutorials using different methods:
- Interacting with keychain directly
- Handmade keychain wrapper (sic)
- SFHFKeychainUtils
According to recommendations from other SO questions below, sskeychain is recommended for an easier use of the keychain to store authentication parameters.
- Cocoa interface to MacOS X Keychain
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8381072/save-username-and-password-for-url-like-gmail-com-iphone
My plan is to store a username and password locally on the device in the keychain as recommended and connect over a UIWebView using basic auth to my PHP code. Is there a good step by step tutorial for xcode/Obj-C newbies on the topic of user authentication that would be recommended by experienced iOS developers?
The Apple documentation seems less than helpful. It's either pages with simple sales jargon or just head imploding descriptions of methods and parameters without many helpful examples.
I ended up just using NSUserDefaults to store the username and password locally and the AFNetworking library to do the authentication. If these are unwise I'd welcome an answer that supplies guidance on a better method.