I have the following controller:
, ['$scope','appRules',function ($scope,appRules) {
console.log("exucuting userIsInRole:",user,role);//never happens
return appRules.userIsInRole(user,role);
This is used for the following route:
angular.module('app', [,'ui.bootstrap','ngRoute'])
The template would have something that will check if user can see this page or not (even if someone hacks javascript it doesn't matter because when data is fetched or submitted the server checks as well).
<div data-ng-if="!isUserInRole(login.user,'Administrator')" class="red">
Please log in or log in as another user.
<div data-ng-if="isUserInRole(login.user,'Administrator')" class="green">
Page to edit users.
Now I would like to create a controller in my test and see when it renders if it renders correctly:
var controller,scope,element;
,$rootScope,$compile,appRules) {
controller = $controller('userList',{
//here I have the controller but how to get the html it generates
// when rendering the template?
element = $compile("<div ng-controller='userList'>"
+"<div data-ng-view=''></div></div>")(scope);
//here element isn't rendered at all, works on directives but how
// to do this with controllers?
console.log("element is:",element);
I would like to write a test like
it('Check page won\'t show if user is not set or is not Administrator.'
, function() {
.indexOf("Please log in or log in as another user."))
.toBe(0,'Show login message when login.user is not set.');
Not sure how to get element though.
I'm actually trying to test a template, because this is used by a controller I was thinking testing it with a controller but as Jon suggested it can just be loaded as template.
How to make it compile and manipulate scope and compile again I don't know. The following:
var el = angular.element(
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
This gives me the output of both Please log in or log in as another user.
and Page to edit users.
Looks like element is just the raw element not compiled one.
Trying something like this doesn't do much either:
, _$rootScope_,appSettings,$templateCache){
console.log("before each");
var el = angular.element($templateCache
var compile=_$compile_;
var $rootScope=_$rootScope_;
//I would think that compile would invoke the ng-if and appSettings.userIsInRole
// but no console log in that function is shown.
var element = compile($templateCache
console.log("element is:",element.html());//=undefined