Choices validation in WTForms does not update when

2020-06-22 09:07发布


I understand the SelectField method in WTForms takes can argument choices which has the form...

choices=[("value1", "display of value 1"), ("value2", "display of value 2")]

I need to populate my choices based on a call to the database. I'm using neo4j as my backend, so I can't use modelforms or the other built-in solutions for populating data in a form.

def get_list_of_things():
    query = 'start n = node:things("*:*") return ID(n), n.display_name;'
    t = cypher.execute(cdb, query)[0]
    for x in t:
        x[0] = str(x[0])
        x[1] = str(x[1])
    things = list(tuple(x) for x in t)
    return things

class SelectAThing(Form):
    thingID = SelectField('Thing name', choices=get_list_of_things())

Running choices = get_list_of_things() does produce a valid list of choices, great, and this basically works.

However, it doesn't ever seem to update the list of things even when the database does and I return to that form later. If I add things to the db and return, I still see the first list of things.


Yup - you got it. WTForms is a little unintuitive that way.

By the way, if you're pulling choices out of a SQLAlchemy database (and you're using Flask), check out the QuerySelectField addon:

from wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.fields import QuerySelectField

def all_employees():
  return Employee.query

class BugReportForm(Form):
  description = TextField(u"Notes")
  # The get_label will show the "name" attribute of the Employee model
  assign_to = QuerySelectField(u'Assign to',

That'll give you a Select field with the names of everybody.

Bonus: when you access in the view code, it'll return the Employee object (not the id). It's handy.


No dummy, just don't put it in the class. Put it in the view code.

def routename()
    form = SelectAThing()

I found this tricky because I didn't realize I could assign to form like it was a regular python object after initializing it in the view.