I want to upload images insinde the TinyMCE editor. I found instructions for that in the docs.
These are my Javascript settings:
selector: '#about',
images_upload_url: '/home/profile/about/img',
tinymce.activeEditor.uploadImages(function(success) {
$.post('/home/profile/about/img', tinymce.activeEditor.getContent()).done(function() {
console.log("Uploaded images and posted content as an ajax request.");
I created the following route to check if everything is setup correctly
Route::post('/home/profile/about/img', function(){
return json_encode(['location' => '/storage/app/public/pictures/bestAvatar.png' ]);
I expected that when I upload an image nothing will be uploaded and the image bestAvatar.png
is shown - however instead I get an error:
Am I missing anything? Is it maybe because there is no default csrf token in the tinymce ajax call?