I'm a vapor beginner and I chose to start with Vapor 3-rc because it seems to break change from Vaport 2. Unfortunately, there isn't a complete documentation for now.
I'm currently trying to upload a simple txt file from Postman to my Vapor 3 local server.
Here's my route
let uploadController = FileUploadController()
router.post("uploadtxt", use: uploadController.uploadTXT)
and my controller
final class FileUploadController {
func uploadTXT(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<String> {
return try req.content.decode(MultipartForm.self).map(to: String.self, { form in
let file = try form.getFile(named: "txtfile")
return file.filename ?? "no-file"
First, by executing the Postman request, the server returns:
{"error":true,"reason":"There is no configured decoder for multipart\/form-data; boundary=...}
By investigating the source code and the limited documentation on this, it seems that I should declare a decoder to support multipart incoming requests.
So I did:
var contentConfig = ContentConfig.default()
let decoder = FormURLDecoder()
contentConfig.use(decoder: decoder, for: .multipart)
I used FormURLDecoder
because it seemed to be the closest class for my needs IMO, implementing BodyDecoder
Now it infite-loops into func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type) throws -> T where T: Decodable
of FormURLSingleValueDecoder
, and I'm stuck here with very few web resource.