I have a string like this in Swift:
var stringts:String = "3022513240"
If I want to change it to string to something like this: "(302)-251-3240"
, I want to add the partheses at index 0, how do I do it?
In Objective-C, it is done this way:
NSMutableString *stringts = "3022513240";
[stringts insertString:@"(" atIndex:0];
How to do it in Swift?
If you are declaring it as NSMutableString
then it is possible and you can do it this way:
let str: NSMutableString = "3022513240)"
str.insert("(", at: 0)
The output is :
Swift 3
Use the native Swift approach:
var welcome = "hello"
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.endIndex) // prints hello!
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.startIndex) // prints !hello
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(before: welcome.endIndex)) // prints hell!o
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(after: welcome.startIndex)) // prints h!ello
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(welcome.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)) // prints hel!lo
If you are interested in learning more about Strings and performance, take a look at @Thomas Deniau's answer down below.
var phone= "+9945555555"
var indx = phone.index(phone.startIndex,offsetBy: 4)
phone.insert("-", at: indx)
index = phone.index(phone.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)
phone.insert("-", at: indx)
var myString = "hell"
let index = 4
let character = "o" as Character
character, at:
myString.index(myString.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
print(myString) // "hello"
Careful: make sure that index
is bigger than or equal to the size of the string, otherwise you'll get a crash.
You can't, because in Swift string indices (String.Index) is defined in terms of Unicode grapheme clusters, so that it handles all the Unicode stuff nicely. So you cannot construct a String.Index from an index directly. You can use advance(theString.startIndex, 3)
to look at the clusters making up the string and compute the index corresponding to the third cluster, but caution, this is an O(N) operation.
In your case, it's probably easier to use a string replacement operation.
Check out this blog post for more details.
To Display 10 digit phone number into USA Number format (###) ###-#### SWIFT 3
func arrangeUSFormat(strPhone : String)-> String {
var strUpdated = strPhone
if strPhone.characters.count == 10 {
strUpdated.insert("(", at: strUpdated.startIndex)
strUpdated.insert(")", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 4))
strUpdated.insert(" ", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 5))
strUpdated.insert("-", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 9))
return strUpdated
You can't use in below Swift 2.0 because String
stopped being a collection
in Swift 2.0. but in Swift 3 / 4 is no longer necessary now that String
is a Collection
again. Use native approach of String
var stringts:String = "3022513240"
let indexItem = stringts.index(stringts.endIndex, offsetBy: 0)
stringts.insert("0", at: indexItem)
print(stringts) // 30225132400
Maybe this extension for Swift 4 will help:
extension String {
mutating func insert(string:String,ind:Int) {
self.insert(contentsOf: string, at:string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: ind) )