I'm working on a custom UICollectionView + Layout where the cells overlap on top of each other. On top of this, I'm implementing custom animations for the addition and removal of items.
Everything's working fine, except the zIndex
property of the attributes seem to be ignored during insertion/deletion of items.
Proper cells:
After inserting some cells:
Here's my implementation for custom insertion/deletion animations. My guess is the problem is somewhere in these methods.
override func initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItemAtIndexPath(itemIndexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes? {
let attributes = layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(itemIndexPath)
for updateItem in updateItems {
switch updateItem.updateAction {
case .Insert:
if updateItem.indexPathAfterUpdate == itemIndexPath {
let translation = collectionView!.bounds.height
attributes?.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, translation)
return attributes
override func finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItemAtIndexPath(itemIndexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes? {
for updateItem in updateItems {
switch updateItem.updateAction {
case .Delete:
if updateItem.indexPathBeforeUpdate == itemIndexPath {
let attributes = layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(itemIndexPath)
let translation = collectionView!.bounds.height
attributes?.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, translation)
return attributes
case .Move:
if updateItem.indexPathBeforeUpdate == itemIndexPath {
return layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(updateItem.indexPathAfterUpdate!)
let finalIndex = finalIndexForIndexPath(itemIndexPath)
let shiftedIndexPath = NSIndexPath(forItem: finalIndex, inSection: itemIndexPath.section)
return layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(shiftedIndexPath)
private func finalIndexForIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Int {
var newIndex = indexPath.item
for updateItem in updateItems {
switch updateItem.updateAction {
case .Insert:
if updateItem.indexPathAfterUpdate!.item <= newIndex {
newIndex += 1
case .Delete:
if updateItem.indexPathBeforeUpdate!.item < newIndex {
newIndex -= 1
case .Move:
if updateItem.indexPathBeforeUpdate!.item < newIndex {
newIndex -= 1
if updateItem.indexPathAfterUpdate!.item <= newIndex {
newIndex += 1
return newIndex
Things I've tried:
- Setting the
in theinitialLayoutAttributes...
method to the value it will end up being. - Making the collection view manually reorder the cells after the animation (which is pretty hacky, and I'd like to avoid this, since it can cause some weird behaviour sometimes).
- Calling
etc and modifying the attributes returned from that. The issue with that is it does not handle the other cells shifting when a new one is inserted; instead the cells fade in and out.
A small reproducer of the project can be found on my GitHub. Feel free to clone it and play around with it.