I've asked this question in my previous post here: SpEL for spring security: Passing Values from XML to Java based SpEL configuration. But it wasn't yet resolved. I want to inject values either from an xml configuration or from external file into @PreAuthorize(...)
annotation. It is not easy like injecting by using @Value
To recall the question, I provide the following information.
I have the following xml configuration file (example.xml) that has properties and initialized its corresponding values.
<beans> <bean id="userBean" class="x.y.User"> <property name="name" value="A"/> <property name="userId" value="33"/> <bean id="customerBean" class="x.y.Customer"> <property name="name" value="B"/> <property name="customerId" value="33"/> </bean> </beans>
I have the following external properties file (example.properties) inside /WEB-INF folder. This file is an alternative for the XML configuration file mentioned above.
user.id = 33 customer.id =33
I have property policy holder configuration in my applicationContext.xml file
<context:property-placeholder location="/WEB-INF/*.properties" ignore-unresolvable="true" /> <bean id="propertyConfig" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer" p:location="/WEB-INF/example.properties" p:ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders="true" />
I have two model classes:
public class User { private int userId; public int getUserId() { return userId; } } public class Customer { private int customerId; public int getCustomerId(){ return customerId; } }
I have another service/controller class which I want to restrict the
method by using@PreAuthorize
annotation.The restriction
: The method is allowed (authorized to be executed) if and only if'userId'
are evaluated equal!.To achieve the restriction, I want to consider two ways
by injecting
values from the xml file(example.xml) into expression 1 below. The expressions I used in this are suggested by Rob Winch (Thank you Rob!). However, Spring couldn't evaluate the expression.by injecting
values from the external properties file(example.properties) into expression 2 below. Similarly, spring couldn't evaluate this expression as well.@Service("..") or @Controller public class MyMainClass { //Expression 1 @PreAuthorize("@userBean.userId == @customerBean.customerId") public Boolean edit(User user, Customer custmer) { return true; } //Expression 2 ////I've tried other ways as well, but end up with similar exceptions @PreAuthorize("${user.id} == ${customer.id}") public Boolean edit(User user, Customer customer) { return true; } }
My questions:
Q1. What are the right expressions that I must put inside the @PreAuthorize
annotation to inject values from the xml file (example.xml) or from property file (example.properties) into the @PreAuthorize(...)
expression, then it can be easily evaluated?
Q2. Point me if I did mistakes other than the expressions.
Q3. Its like a $1,000,000.00 question for me as I am fed up as hell to solve this issue!!!. So please help me out as much as you can!.